💛💙💀 Another 💀💙💛

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!! Trigger Warning !!

Dubious consent, although it is consensual and is discussed between characters later in the fic. Please skip chapter if you think this may be disturbing to you. You won't miss anything plot-wise.

(AKA: Lucifer canonly is a VERY brutal guy, especially towards Mammon. This is shown in this chapter.)


After being startled and sitting straight up, you both turned your heads to see who was invading what you thought was a private space.

"L-Lucifer?!?" you shrieked.

Mammon quickly covered your naked body with his blanket, then threw his pants on.

"The FUCK are you doin' in here, huh? And... how long exactly w-were ya in here?!" You could sense Mammon's wariness and anger. He hurriedly got in between you and Lucifer, sitting in front of you on the bed. You clutched the blankets tightly to your chest, unable to process what was happening.

Lucifer simply smirked at you both with his arms crossed.

"WELL?! Ya gonna answer big bro or what!!?"

"Hm." A stern look came over Lucifer's face. "I've been here long enough. And it seems to me you both disobeyed the simple rules I set in place for the evening." Lucifer's cold, black-garnet eyes met yours. "And perhaps continued 'partying' once you returned."

"Oi! Don't talk to my human like that." Mammon's response was met with Lucifer raising one eyebrow.

"Oh? Your human, is she? As I recall, I assigned you to look after her. That didn't include dragging her into your mischief and havin-"

"Well, that's exactly right, Lucifer. This was my idea. I practically forced her to go with me, aight? This ain't got nothin' to do with her."

Your body was shivering. You weren't sure where this was going or how you even got into this situation. You wished you could somehow vanish from the room. Still, you remained silent, trying to control your accelerated breathing. Lucifer's dominating energy was palpable.

Mammon turned around to you and quietly said, "You should head back to your room, Y/n."

"Not so fast, Y/n." Lucifer began walking slowly towards you both.

Your eyes widened, wondering what the hell was going to happen.

"You both made the choice to disobey me tonight. So you'll both have to be punished." Lucifer leaned down and gently ran his finger under your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "Although, since this is your first offense, your punishment won't be nearly as bad." As he leaned in closer to your face, you felt a pleasing electric jolt through your abdomen.

No, no no. Why did I just feel that...

Mammon smacked Lucifer's hand away from you. Within a second, Lucifer had his brother face down on the bed. Although Mammon was definitely strong, Lucifer was even stronger. Mammon's struggles were no match for him.

He soon had Mammon's entire body bonded together with a rope he previously had concealed. He strung him up from one of the poles on the banister of the upper floor of Mammon's room. This left him suspended above, just past the end of the bed. He was tied in a way that his body was stomach-side-down towards the floor, but he could still look up and see you. It was the same position you'd had to witness a number of times after Mammon had done something reckless to make Lucifer upset.

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