💙✨⚡🐏 Apology 🐏⚡✨💙

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"May I come in, Y/n?" Sure enough, it was Lucifer.

"....I want to be alone," you mumbled.

"I couldn't hear you, but please don't avoid me again. Is it a yes or no?" You could hear how concerned he was from his voice.

"Sure, whatever," you groaned.

You remained completely under the covers as Lucifer entered your room and sat on the very end of your bed. "I'd like to talk with you, and I'd like to see you while doing so."

"What do you want?" You were too overcome with embarrassment to look at him right now. You just wanted whatever this conversation was to be over with.

Lucifer sighed before speaking. "What I said in front of everyone this morning was entirely erroneous. It took me longer than it should have to realize that. I was far beyond disrespectful to you, especially given the nature of our relationship... or, at least the way I feel towards you." He paused briefly, awaiting a response from you.

You remained quiet, unsure of how to reply.

Lucifer continued. "My actions were irrational, and I couldn't possibly regret what I did any more than I do. I was being so selfish, wanting to..." He sighed. "I'm not even sure what my goal was, really."

You pulled your covers down just enough to see him, still remaining secluded away from him.

He continued to speak. "As much as I hate to admit this, I held a lot of resentment towards Mammon after hearing you two together last night."


"Please, let me finish, Y/n," Lucifer said with a forlorn look on his face. "To be clear, it's not as if I intended to.. hear the two of you. I just so happened to be walking by. However, none of that justifies my actions this morning. I should have never taken out those negative emotions on you. If anything, they should be directed towards Mammon, since he is the one I'm.. resentful towards.... But even I know that would be entirely unfair as well."

He paused again with a long sigh and looked into your eyes as he continued once more. "When you playfully 'attacked' me by jumping on me this morning, I can't explain how many feelings were stirred up within me. I just wanted more of you in so many ways. I tried to play it off by keeping my normal composure together, but you even called me out on that," he chuckled. "Pretty much everything Beel said this morning was spot on. I lashed out at you to make myself feel better, to maintain my pride. Instead, it made me feel utterly miserable. More importantly, it was completely unfair to you and clearly made you feel awful. I know apologies are hard to accept sometimes... But I sincerely apologize for my behavior. I swear to you, you have my word I will never do something like that to you again. Please let me prove that to you, Y/n. I want to gain your trust back more than anything."

You sat all the way up, bringing yourself closer to him. "Luci...."

"I can't help but feel responsible for you feeling so outlandish around us today as well. I promise you, in no way was you jumping on me a problem. My reaction was completely due to my own insecurities," he blushed. "So... please don't apologize to me or anyone else for what you do when it comes to that."

You threw your arms around him while murmuring, "Thank you." You felt a wave of relaxation wash over you. For some reason, you cared a lot about Lucifer's acceptance. Hearing him be so open and honest with you made you incredibly happy. "Next time, just talk to me. I know I was being a total spaz this morning, but I'd rather you not hold your emotions or thoughts in, at least with me. I feel like I'm asking a lot of you, but... I'd just rather see the real you, Lucifer."

He calmly said your name while holding you close to him. His touch was strong, yet surprisingly warm and gentle.

"And... I'm sorry you.. heard me and Mammon yesterday. I don't think either of us were paying attention to how much noise we were making." Even though Lucifer couldn't see it, your cheeks were blushing intensely while speaking about this.

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