💛💙🐏 Zoomies 🐏💙💛

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"Wha- do I like to run?? Where did that come from?"

You excitedly sat up to look at Mammon. "I don't know, I just suddenly feel like I want to. Like, right now." Your tail and ears, that you'd completely forgotten about, started moving on their own.

"Oh! This is probably one of your weird cat things Satan was talkin' about," Mammon said, still looking slightly confused. "Do ya even like runnin'?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. I mean, not really. But I just want to go outside, like right now." Your eyes lit up like a cat looking at the lights on a Christmas tree. "Will you come with me?"

"Ya really are somethin', Y/n. Fiiine, I'll go. But only 'cause ya started my day right. You should be glad the one and only Mammon is gracin' ya with his presence this mornin'," he jokingly said with a cheeky expression.

"Yes!!" You excitedly hugged him and jumped up to get some shorts and shoes on, not even bothering to change shirts. You came out of your closet to see Mammon just now standing up and stretching. "I'll go get your clothes for you, k?!"

His eyes went wide, surprised by your unusual energy. He knew you usually couldn't do anything until you had some coffee. He shook his head and smiled. "Okay, I'll wait for ya here."

You placed a kiss on his head before dashing out the door. "K, I love you, I'll be right back!!" Truthfully, you didn't understand why this urge was so strong either.

You flew down the halls towards Mammon's room and immediately got sidetracked when you saw Lucifer walking down the hall away from you. "Luciiiiii!!!!" With no thought put into it, you sprung up onto his back.

"Tch! Y/N! What- what are you doing?!" He looked equally irritated and flustered.

"Luci, I'm sooo glad to see you!!" You nuzzled your face into his dark, silky hair.

His face was steadily turning bright red. "Y/n, I'm going to have to ask you to remove yourself from me this instant."

You ignored what he said. "No, please, you're so much faster than me. Take me to Mammon's room!!"

"Excuse me?? Need I remind you who you're talking to?"

"I know, I know. You're all fancy Mr. Always-In-Charge, the demonest demon of all demons. But pleeeease Luci, I need to go to his room to get something, and you're so fast, and-"

Luci sighed and removed your arms from him. "Human, you really crossed the line. I'm going to have to-"

You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek before he could start his sadistic routine. "Okay, that's great, I gotta go, byeeee~!" You took off running down the hallway once more, leaving Lucifer behind completely bewildered at what happened.

You grabbed a shirt, athletic shoes, and basketball shorts for Mammon, then took off running again to your room. This time, you saw Beel and Belphie standing just outside their doorway. Belphie sleepily asked what all the noise was about as you approached. "Oh my goodness, the twinnns, so cute!! Hi hi hi!! Sorry I gotta go, see y'all later!" You didn't have time to stop. You straight up had the zoomies.

You flung your bedroom door open and tossed Mammon's clothes at him then went into the restroom to brush your teeth while he got dressed. "Y/n, you alright?" Mammon asked while tying his shoes.

"Yeeesss, I just want to hurry! I can't stop moving." You walked over to him and hugged him.

Mammon's cheeks grew got, nervous by your sudden closeness. "Y-Y/n, I can't finish gettin' ready if you're latched onto me."

Crazy for YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora