💜🧡💛✨ Cozy ✨💛🧡💜

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"It's Levi. Can I come in?"

You opened the door for him. "Duh!" He smiled and walked into your room as you finished tidying up. "What's going on?" you asked as you sat on your bed, motioning for him to do the same.

"I just wanted to check on you. Things got pretty weird earlier. I wanted to do something to help you, but I didn't really know what was going on." By the expression on his face, he was clearly concerned.

You took his hand in yours to reassure him. "That's really kind of you, Levi. I don't think there's anything you really could do. Not that you're not helpful or anything! Just that... Lucifer was, I dunno... It was a weird situation, like you said."

"A-are you okay, though?" His face was blushing from you holding his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. I just got really overwhelmed earlier," you sighed. "I know it's kind of dumb, but I also feel bad for leaving my plate there."

"Really?! You shouldn't be worried about that, Y/n. Beel took it and ate everything while glaring at Lucifer," Levi laughed. "He was literally mad eating. I've never seen that before with him, lololol!"

You snorted both from Levi's story and the way he was talking. "Did he really?!"

"It was pretty great to watch. But, you shouldn't be worried about that at all. You're always thinking of us like that, like putting us first and making sure we're okay. We're always wanting to help you too, you know." He looked into your eyes so sincerely. "You're, uh... you're our family too. S-so don't worry about things like that."

You moved closer to him and hugged him. "You really mean a lot to me. I never want to be on anyone's bad side." Your hands gripped him tighter as you murmured, "It was terrifying."

"Y-Y/n..." Levi wasn't sure of what to say. Instead he just held you in his arms for as long as you needed.

After some time, you let go of him. "Sorry, I've been super emotional today. You know how cats can sense certain things more than people can? Like, they're really keen to pick up on emotions."

"Uhh, maybe? I think I know what you mean."

"Maybe that's what is happening with me. I don't know," you giggled.

"Huh? O-oh!! Yeah, um.. M-maybe you're right." His face became bright red as he glanced at your ears then immediately darted his eyes away. "I, uh, I also w-wanted to ask i-if you m-maybe wanted to watch anime with me today... O-or tomorrow!"

"Definitely! I'm actually free right now if you want to," you said excitedly.

"R-really?! Oh, uh, yeah now is good!"

You followed Levi to his room as he passionately explained what the anime was about. It was a much needed refreshing distraction. Truthfully, you could listen to Levi talking for hours about anime or games. Even if you didn't agree with all his opinions on characters and storylines, you appreciated how much thought he put into it. You had to admit he was also a great storyteller.

Once in his room, Levi laid down some blankets and pillows for you both to sit on in front of his TV. You decided to rest your head on his shoulder while watching the anime. You found yourself getting sleepy, wanting to rest your eyes just a little bit. "Levi?"


"Can I lay on your lap?"


"It's okay if you don't want me to. I'm just getting kind of sleepy for some reason," you said softly.

"N-no, it's okay... S-sorry, I just uh... Yeah, do whatever is comfortable...." His face was bright red as you rested your head on his lap while he was sitting cross-legged. You wrapped your arm around his leg where his knee was bent, then curled up almost into a ball and wrapped your tail around you.

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