❤️💚💙💀 Evoke 💀💙💚❤️

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"Oiii, watch it, little bro," Mammon chimed in.

"Whatever, I wasn't talking to you," Levi replied sounding annoyed.

"I swear, if any of you start fighting," you grumbled before drinking some of the water Levi brought you earlier.

Lucifer chuckled. "Y/n's not messing around. She'll whip you straight."

"Whaaaa?!" Levi said, blushing harder than before.

"Yeah, she got me and Lucifer real bad recently," Mammon said proudly.

"You say that like it's a good thing," Satan sighed.

"W-well, ya know..." Mammon said, looking flustered. "I-it ain't like I liked it or nothin'!"

"I'd be interested in seeing that," Beel said matter-of-factly.

You slightly choked on your water, caught off guard by Beel's statement. Mammon gave you a completely sinister grin before looking back at Beel. "Hey, Beel... Remember a looong while back when ya helped carry Y/n out of our study session 'cause she 'wasn't feeling well'?"

Lucifer chuckled and sat up more. "I remember that day very well."

"Oh yeah, when your stomach hurt, Y/n?" Beel asked.

"Yeah, that's the day," Mammon replied.

You blushed immensely, knowing exactly what Mammon was talking about. He was referencing the day you wore an enchanted pair of panties Asmo gave you, which Asmo was secretly controlling to bring you sexual pleasure in the middle of studying with the brothers. You figured you knew where Mammon was going with this, but you couldn't believe he was bringing it up.

Mammon looked at you still with a sinister look on his face. "Why dontcha tell 'em what really happened, Y/n?"

"W-w-well, I... I...."

How can I possibly say this?

You weren't opposed to telling them necessarily, but being on the spot really threw you off. "I th-think you guys know what happened," you said quietly, cheeks as pink as can be.

"What do you mean?" Beel asked, sounding innocent.

You hid your face in your hands, unable to look at them as you spoke. You took a deep breath before confessing. "Asmo gave me these panties that were enchanted to, like... sexually please whoever wears them. I- I didn't know, and I put them on before study hall... S-so.... Yeah, my stomach was fine, I was j-just... just...." You sighed, then continued. "I literally had an orgasm in front of all of you. I... I couldn't help it. It was just too powerful."

"R-r-really??!" Levi stuttered.

"Yeah," you said quietly. You were okay with them knowing, but your heart was pounding while you told them. You were way too embarrassed to look at them.

Mammon suddenly picked you up and placed you on the sectional sofa next to Beel, on the elongated part at the end. It was wide and long enough to be almost the same size as a double sized bed. "That wasn't all though, was it?" Mammon said while teasingly moving his hand over your body.

Your eyes went wide as you felt your cheeks become hot. "M-Mammon," you said quietly.

"Do ya wanna tell 'em the rest? Or should I?" he said while looking lustfully into your eyes.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. You wanted to tell them what happened afterwards, but you were unsure how to even begin telling them. "Y-you," you whispered.

Mammon smirked and got behind you on the sofa, allowing you to lean against his chest. He rubbed your shoulders and moved his hands up and down your arms and waist. Your heart was pounding harder as the brothers watched you intently, wondering what Mammon was possibly going to say. "Ya see, Y/n ain't really this cute, innocent little human that we tend to think she is. Even after being spoiled by a powerful orgasm in front of all of us on that day, it still wasn't enough for her."

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