😈🐏 The Human World 🐏😈

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The following week, everything was finally ready. You'd saved up a large sum of money for the trip to the human world for Mammon's birthday. All the arrangements were made, and everything was set to go. Somehow, all the brothers and yourself even managed to keep the trip a secret. The day of departure, you were jittery all day in class, excited to finally tell Mammon about the surprise. His birthday fell on Saturday, so all of you would be leaving today, Friday, in the evening.

After class, you walked hand in hand with Mammon back to the House of Lamentation. All the brothers had their things packed and ready to go, but you still had to tell Mammon. You waited until you got inside to break the exciting news. "Sooo, Mammon?"

"What is it you're all excited about, human?" Mammon asked, his eyes peering into yours inquisitively.

You led him to his room. Once inside, you told him with a smile, "We're going somewhere."

"Wha?? Like goin' out tonight?" he said, looking a bit puzzled.

"Sure, we're leaving tonight. But we aren't coming back until Sunday. So pack your stuff! We'll leave in about an hour." You couldn't help but smile. You were so excited the day was finally here.

"Y/n, for real?? Are ya messin' with me???" Mammon asked excitedly.

"No! I'm serious! But I'm not telling you anything more, so just get packed," you said while hugging him.

"Nah, ya gotta tell me! Come onnn!"

You looked up at him and shook your head. "I'm not saying a word. You'll know soon enough anyway."

"O-okay, but does this gotta do with my birthday?!" he asked excitedly.

"What? Your birthday? Is that coming up or something?"

"Y/nnnnn!" Mammon whined.

"You know I'm joking," you giggled. "Obviously I know when your birthday is. But I'm not answering any questions! Just get ready, and I'll meet you in the common area."

Mammon kissed you sweetly. "Fine, little human."

You went to your room to grab your stuff, double checking you had everything. Once everyone was ready, you loaded your things into some cars Diavolo had sent to pick everyone up. You headed off to the Demon Lord's Castle. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood but still didn't reveal what it was you were doing despite Mammon incessantly asking.

Once at the castle, you unloaded your luggage and were greeted by Barbatos at the entrance. "Good evening, Y/n," he said with a bow.

"Good evening, Barbatos. Thank you again for helping me with this," you said quietly so Mammon wouldn't hear.

"My absolute pleasure," Barbatos replied with a smile. "I've prepared everything for all of you, so you may follow me now if you wish. The Young Master is waiting as well."

You and the brothers followed Barbatos to his room where he had a portal to the human world already activated. Diavolo was sitting in the room, enjoying a cup of tea.

"Ahh, there you are!" Diavolo said as everyone entered the room. "I wanted to make sure to come by to see you off."

"So Diavolo, are ya gonna tell me what's going on?" Mammon asked.

Lucifer elbowed Mammon. "That's Lord Diavolo."

"Lucifer, it's really fine," Diavolo replied while waving his hand dismissively. "And Mammon, you'll know soon enough, yes? I've been sworn to secrecy! Unfortunately, I won't be able to accompany everyone. I wish I had the time, but I'll be staying here. Of course, if there's anything you need while you're gone, I'll be here!"

Crazy for YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora