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You arrived at Mammon's room where he sat you down on the arm of his couch. "Be right back," he calmly said as he walked off to another area of his room, digging through his things. You swung your feet back and forth just above the ground while waiting for him.

He returned holding a few papers rolled up into a cylindrical shape. He sighed as he handed it to you. "Just don't get mad at me, okay?"

You nodded your head as you unfurled the papers. It had today's date on it. You immediately realized it was his test, which you figured it was to begin with. 82. To your knowledge, it was the highest he's ever got.

You stood up to congratulate him, hugging him close to you. "Mammon, this is amazing. I'm seriously so proud of you!" You pulled away from him to see his face beaming from your praise. "And why would I possibly be mad at you?"

"I had to mess with ya somehow, right?" He grinned with his signature cheeky smile.

You playfully hit him with the rolled up papers. "I wouldn't be mad even if you failed. I'm just so happy you're trying. Plus, now this means..." You tossed the papers to the side and leaned closer to kiss him.

"Woah, woah." He pulled back away from you. "Not so fast. First, I need to know how bad you've been." He leaned forward to put his face directly in front of yours, his blue and golden eyes piercing straight through you.

"What do you mean?" You barely spoke above a whisper.

"You know exactly what I mean," he said running his hands through your hair and over your cat ears. "I need to know what my kitty was up to earlier. Was she being good and well-behaved? Or... was she being a bad little kitty?"

You remained silent, entranced by the way he was speaking and looking at you. He slid his hand against your upper chest, just above where your cleavage begins. "You have to tell me, Y/n. Otherwise I might not give you much attention or pet you."

His touch and voice were absolutely intoxicating, and you wondered how he could so easily slip into this more dominating role. "I-I talked with Levi, and... we k-kissed...." You could hardly speak. His very essence was overwhelming you in the best way possible.

You'd been waiting for what felt like ages to unleash your sexual desires with Mammon. You were so close, yet he continued to toy with you in your clearly desperate state. What you did with Satan and Levi was nice. You enjoyed it, but it wasn't near the same as your sexual encounters with Mammon.

"Hmm? You kissed?" He wrapped his arm around the small of your back, pulling you closer to him. "And what else, Y/n? I can smell him on you, and I have to say... I'm not too fond of someone else playing with my kitty the way I do."

"B-but.... You're the one who... told me..."

Is he being serious? Is this roleplaying? Teasing?

"Forget what I said, Y/n. I didn't tell ya what to do when you were with my brother, did I?"

You shook your head no, the little bell on your collar jingling.

Mammon's voice wasn't angry or spiteful. It was sleek and seductive. "So finish tellin' me what happened so I can decide what to do with ya."

You looked at him with wide eyes. You weren't too sure if this was an act or if it was his real emotions coming out. "Well, he uh... He asked if he could kiss me, a-and I said yes. Then, he.. pulled his.. dick out and started touching himself." You looked away from Mammon, afraid to see his abnormally stern look. "Then, I took over for him, and... I basically gave him a handjob while he kissed and touched me...."

"Hm. I see." Mammon paused, looking as though he were in deep thought. "I want ya to do the exact same thing to me that you did to him."

"What?!" Your voice was quiet as you were unable to decipher the meaning behind his actions.

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