😈🐏 Hot Springs 🐏😈

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"Ahh, finally!! Time for vaycay!" Asmo squealed.

"It's not exactly vacation," Belphie yawned. "We're just going somewhere for the weekend."

"Yeah, and winter break is just around the corner," Satan added. "Then we'll have an actual vacation."

"As long as it's somewhere I can be alone, I'll be happy," Levi laughed.

"Enough chat. We need to depart in precisely ten minutes. So finalize your packing so we can leave," Lucifer said sternly.

"I'm ready!" you said excitedly. Even though it had been just over a month since going to the human world for Mammon's birthday, you were incredibly excited to have a weekend getaway again with the brothers.

You went to your room to double check you had everything, then met up with the brothers with your travel bag. You'd be riding in one of Lucifer's cars today, one which reminded you of a classic human world car, just as sleek and black as his hair. You slung your bag into the trunk of Lucifer's car and slid into the back seat.

Beel gently smiled and got into the car next to you. He had a huge bag in his hands filled with snacks, on top of the ones he stuffed into the trunk.

"Hey, outta my way!!" Mammon shoved Beel, who just stared motionless at Mammon. "I was gonna sit by Y/n!"

Beel simply stared at Mammon with a blank expression, opened a bag of chips, and ate them, all without breaking eye contact with Mammon. You stifled your laughter as you saw Mammon's expression. "Mammon, don't be a jerk to Beel. Just sit on the other side of me," you half-giggled.

"Nope, too late!" Belphie said, quickly sliding into the car on the other side of you.

"What the hell!!" Mammon shrieked. "Fiiiine, I'll just go in the fron- OI!! ASMO, THAT'S WHERE I'M SITTING!"

"No way, older brother. There's no mirror in the back seat. How else will I know how ravishing I look for all my fans as we drive by?" Asmo replied.

"What fans?!? We'll be on back roads in the middle of nowhere!" Mammon griped. It was no use, as Asmo was already posing for himself in the passenger seat mirror.

Lucifer's hand came down on Mammon's shoulder. "Quit complaining and get in the other car, or we're leaving you."

Mammon mumbled under his breath and sulked over to Satan's car to join him and Levi. Lucifer got into the car and started driving with Satan following behind.

You were so excited to finally be going to a hot spring. You'd never done so before. From what you'd heard, they have totally different minerals and benefits than the ones in the human world. It was a much deserved break from the ever-challenging classes at R.A.D. It was a great chance to see more of Devildom that was unexplored to you.

Not even five minutes into the car ride, Belphie fell asleep on your lap. You stroked his hair as you adored how sweet he looked while asleep. Your D.D.D. went off not much later.

Mammon: Yo!!

Mammon: What's goin' on in there?!

Mammon: They better be leavin' ya alone.

You snickered and turned to Beel. "Do you mind if I take a selfie with you?"

"Not at all," Beel smiled. "Actually, here.. try this." Beel offered you some of his coffee cake.

You leaned against him and snapped a selfie of him feeding you the cake, making sure to get Belphie in the photo as well. "This is perfect," you giggled.

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