💛✨⚡ Head Games ⚡✨💛

389 13 11

*insert annoying alarm sound here*

"Ughhhmm, that time already?" Mammon groggily groaned. He haphazardly smacked his D.D.D. to shut it up.

Still asleep, you mumbled and hugged Mammon tighter.

He kissed your head and took a deep breath, reassuring himself that the previous night was in fact real, that you were truly right there cuddled up next to him. After a few moments of basking in this realization, he then stood up to go into the restroom. You flopped over onto your back and were fully asleep once more.


You find yourself waking up. Not fully conscious, you realize you feel something. You usually have half-conscious dreams in the morning, where reality somehow meshes with your dream world.

But no, this wasn't that.

You mumble nonsensical sounds that don't even form words, trying to wake yourself up. You feel something again.


Wait... WHAT?!!

Your eyes are still closed, super heavy from the lack of sleep and physical exhaustion.

"Hmm~." Your hips start moving in slow motion.

Am I having a wet dream?

"Mmmm~." You grab onto the bed sheets. You're hardly awake, but you now realize what you're feeling is a tongue swirling around your clit. It's moving in a slow, teasing manner. Just enough to make your body begin to want more.

You tilt your hips further towards the source of this pleasure, trying to create more pressure. "Oohhh yess~," you call out.

Suddenly, it all abruptly stopped. Your eyes finally opened as you felt a body begin to glide over you underneath the sheets. You see Mammon's gorgeous face peeking out at you.

"Whyyyy, why did you have to stop, Mammon?" You were still slowly moving your hips.

"Because, cute stuff. Ya need to get ready." He started putting loving kisses along your body.

"Hmmnoooo, I don't wannaaa yet..." You pouted in protest.

Mammon didn't stop his kisses along your body. "Well... I gotta be sure we're there on time. I don't wanna get you in deep shit again like yesterday."

"So THAT'S the way you decided to wake me up? Don't get me wrong.. it's an incredible way to be woken up. But damn, I'm too worked up to get ready now.."

"Little human, I can't help that. I said your name like five times and ya didn't budge." He looked up at you, his face just above yours. "We'll just have to continue this later, yeah?" He kissed your lips while holding your cheek.

He went to the end of the bed and ripped the covers off you. You grabbed your legs wanting the warmth back. "C'mon, girl. You can pout all ya want, but I'm makin' sure we're not late today. Even if I have to force ya."

You reluctantly sat up knowing he meant it. Plus, you didn't exactly want to face Lucifer again today. You were hoping for a chill evening after today's event was over.

Mammon turned the lights up. You rubbed your eyes trying to adjust to the light.

"Alright, alright. I'll go to change and get ready in my room." You grabbed your belongings from the surrounding area. Then you walked over to Mammon and gave him a hug. "Thanks for waking me up, even though I was being a brat."

He smiled after being graced with your affection. "No problem, little human."

You smiled back and headed towards the door.

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