💛🐏 Trickster 🐏💛

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"Hey... did you hear that?" you asked while looking in the distance.

"Uhh, I didn't hear nothin'."

"No, no, I swear I did..." You turned your head again back towards the source. "There it is again!" You walked over to the edge of the pool, peering out into the darkness past the balcony.

Mammon got up to stand next to you. "Y/n, you're freakin' me out... Are ya sure you heard somethin'?"

"Yes! I swear, it's coming from right around the corner of the house. Seriously, listen..." As Mammon listened intently, you wrapped your arms around him and jumped into the deep end of the pool with him. "GYAH~!!"

"Woah, shit!!"


"Y/N!!!! The hell was that?!?!! Was somethin' out there to get us or what?!!"

Unable to control your laughter, you couldn't respond properly. "Ma-Mammon, there was no- pffhahahaha!!! No, it- ahahahaha!!"

Realizing you completely tricked him, Mammon turned into his demon form and sank to the bottom of the pool. He sat cross legged with his arms crossed as well. You knew he was annoyed, but not actually mad. You could tell he absolutely wanted your attention by doing this. Otherwise, he would have gotten out of the pool away from you.

You took a deep breath and swam to the bottom. You sat in front of him in the same position and put your hands into a heart shape, flashing him a cute smile. He simply glared back at you while sitting completely still. You felt your body start to float up a bit. You looked up while pressing against the water above you to try to keep your body down to no avail.

You felt yourself needing to go up for air soon, so you turned your attention back to Mammon, whose expression had completely changed. He looked a bit surprised with his cheeks now tinted brightly. It was then that you realized the shirt you were still wearing was billowing upwards from being suspended in the water, entirely revealing your breasts. Your eyes immediately went wide from embarrassment, so you uncrossed your legs and kicked off the bottom of the pool to quickly resurface.

You tread water while holding down the shirt with one hand. All of a sudden, you felt something beneath you as you were hoisted up into the air. Mammon had come up beneath you and seamlessly propped you up on his shoulders with one smooth motion. His hands were holding yours to keep you balanced as he swam over to the glass side of the pool that faced out over the balcony.

At first, you both were silent. Mammon broke that silence with his adorable laugh as you remained embarrassed at what just happened. Sure, he'd seen you without your shirt on before. But you weren't expecting it, and you were in the middle of trying to apologize for throwing you both into the pool. "Ya know, Y/n, I was contemplatin' all the ways I could get back at ya for tossin' me in here. But now, I'd say we're even," he laughed.

You couldn't keep yourself from laughing upon hearing his genuine laugh. "I'm sorry for tricking you, Mammoney."

"Psh, ya better be!!" He suddenly started tickling you, causing you to lose your balance. You grabbed onto his horns for stability. "Gahh!! Ya freakin' punk!" he laughed. He lifted you off him with his incredible strength, managing to hold you above him just by supporting your back and legs.

"Nooo!! Mammon, put me down!!" You squirmed around trying to escape his hold, only to no avail.

"As ya wish, darlin'," he smirked. All while still treading water, he tossed you high up into the air.

You squealed as you braced yourself for landing back in the water. Just as your body barely entered the water, Mammon caught you in his arms before you fully submerged. Somehow he caught you gracefully, allowing you to lay perfectly across his arms. You looked at him with wide eyes before starting to laugh. "Bloody hell Mammon, you scared me!"

He leaned his face just in front of yours. "Good. Now we're really even."

Without even thinking, you put your arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Ya seem pretty happy for someone so scared," he said with a proud smile.

"It was more fun than scary," you replied sheepishly.

"Well," he laughed, "same with ya tossin' us in here."

You smiled and suddenly slinked out of his arms under water, swimming over to the edge of the pool to look out at Devildom's lights. You rested your forearms along the edge so you could stay in place.

Mammon followed you, hugging you from behind. "I seriously never know what to expect from ya, Y/n." He closed his eyes while holding you tightly, grateful for your presence as he peppered light kisses across your neck.

"Same with you," you giggled. The two of you remained silent while enjoying the moment together.

Eventually, you both decided to go back inside since it was getting cold. Mammon grabbed some towels for you both. You had to ring the water out of his shirt you were wearing, plus your underwear. He had to do the same with the pajama pants he was wearing.

After jokingly giving you crap for getting his clothes wet, you went inside to take a shower.. again. Mammon suggested you get some clothes from your room. "I can let ya wear one of my shirts again, but I ain't got any, like... pants or nothin' besides jeans and stuff that wouldn't fit ya or be comfortable."

"So how do you suggest I get to my room, then?"

"Oh, uh... I didn't think that through."

"Well, I can just put on my maid dress again," you said with a sly grin.

"Oh! N-no, you don't have to-" Mammon's cheeks turned a lovely hue of pink. "J-just... Uh, I-I can go for ya instead.. maybe?"

"Aww, come on Mammoney. My room isn't that far away. Plus, I want you to come with me!" Still wrapped in a towel, you walked up to him, pressing your body against him. "Pleeeease?" Mammon's face turned a deeper shade of pink as he became visibly flustered. "There are only a few options anyway. I either go how I am now with nothing but a towel; I go with my dress, or I go with literally nothing but one of your shirts on. I'll let you pick."

"Fine, wear the dress," he sighed. "And I am goin' with ya."

You excitedly changed into your dress but didn't bother putting any accessories or shoes on. "I'm not wearing the thigh highs either. I mean, you kind of made one into a mess anyway."

"Hngh! I'm, uh... r-really sorry about that, Y/n...."

"Don't be. It was worth it," you nearly whispered as you opened his door and checked the hallway. It was kind of late, so you made it back to your room without being interrupted. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Whaddya mean?"

"I mean nobody saw me still dressed like this," you said plainly while putting your things away.

"Uh- I wasn't really worried about that..." Mammon said quietly while sitting on your bed.

"Then what was it?"

"W-well, s-seeing you dressed like that again, uh... I just don't want to get all excited again," Mammon blushed while messing with a loose string on your blanket.

"Hmm." You said changed into a clean shirt and panties then neatly draped your dress over your laundry basket so it wouldn't wrinkle. You sat next to Mammon, hugging him from behind. "You know, I was going to tease you, but I decided not to."

"You don't even have to try," Mammon sighed.

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