💛🌸🐏 Birthday Night 🐏🌸💛

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Mammon took your hand as you exited the limousine at the casino. The casino was gigantic and looked similar to a castle on the outside. After entering, you were struck with glowing neon lights and sounds from the endless slot machines. Looking to the left or right, you couldn't even see the end of the building.

You walked through the building and noticed it was divided up into themed sections, each with similar layouts. There were sections of machines and sections of card games, roulette, and other betting games. There were even arcades, shops, and restaurants. Each themed area looked incredible, with themes varying from dragons, glamour, famous human world cities, and other famous human world history, art, and architecture. Everything looked extravagant.

Mammon wanted to head straight towards the card tables, so everyone followed. A waitress brought each of you drinks while you played a few rounds of blackjack, which you did surprisingly well at. You then made bets on different games that seemed to be a lot more simple and easy for everyone. You all switched over to poker, with Mammon absolutely crushing it.

"Hey, Y/n," Levi said getting closer to you. "Want to check out the arcade with me?"

Mammon suddenly put his arm around you and kissed the top of your head. "Ya best keep her safe, or I'm comin' after ya," Mammon said to Levi.

"As if I wouldn't!" Levi said with a red face. "S-so you're going with me?" he asked you.

"Definitely!" You walked through the crowd towards the nearest arcade. You took his hand, not wanting to lose him in the sea of people and gambling machines.

Levi's cheeks immediately reddened, and his whole demeanor changed to being nervous. "Y/n!!! Y-you have to warn me or something first... M-my heart's about to pound out of my chest!"

"Aww, I'm sorry Levi. I really didn't mean to freak you out. I just don't want to lose you in here." You loosened your hand a bit to let him go.

Levi responded by grabbing onto your hand tighter. "Don't worry, I won't let you go. I j-just wasn't expecting it, is all."

You smiled and moved closer to him as you walked. "Thanks, Levi." You finally made it to the arcade and played just about every game they had. They had a normal ticket system like they would in other arcades.

"Wooooah! I've never seen something like this!" Levi said while looking at the prizes, his arms full of rolls of tickets.

"Are there not any arcades in Devildom?" you asked.

"There are, but not this big with so many prizes!!" He turned to you with a huge smile on his face. "What do you want, Y/n?"

You blushed and responded, "No, those are your tickets, Levi! You don't need to get me something."

Levi shook his head, still smiling. "I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you. I want you to have something to remember us playing together."

"Aww! Okay, okay. Hmm..." You scanned the vast array of prizes, then got the arcade worker's attention. "Can I get the Eevee plushie? ... Yeah, that one."

"No, get her one from the very top!" Levi said with a smile.

You looked back at Leviathan. "What?! That one is huge! And it's way more tickets!"

"Yeah, so?" He counted out his tickets and handed them to the worker. "Hmm, I'll get the same plushie, whatever size my left over tickets can get me."

The worker handed you the ridiculously oversized Eevee and handed the smaller one to Levi.

Levi's eyes lit up as he proudly showed you his prize. "See? Now we both match!"

He seemed so adorable and excited about the whole thing. You hugged him until he became brave enough to hug you back. "Thank you so much, Levi. I won't forget tonight." You placed a kissed on his cheek, which you could feel getting warmer.

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