🧡🐏 Thank You 🐏🧡

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After your incredibly eventful evening, one by one the brothers laid down next to you beneath the bright Devildom stars. You had normal conversations with them, and nothing was even remotely awkward with them after your incredibly intense sexual experience with all of them. You started giggling to yourself, ecstatic to have such an incredible group of friends... family... whatever they were.

Levi, who was laying next to you on his blanket, asked, "What are you laughing about, Y/n?" The others were still distracted conversing among themselves.

You looked over at Levi to meet his orange eyes glimmering at you. "Just you guys."

"You mean y'all?" he responded, and both of you broke out into laughter.

"I swear. You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"

"Nahh, probably not." He put his hand on your stomach, causing you to blush. "By the way, do you like my Ruri-chan blanket?!" His expression had completely changed to excitement. "It's limited edition! I was the first to get one at a small anime expo when the show wasn't even that popular."

You always loved seeing Levi get excited over anime, manga, or games. "Yeah, it's really nice! It's so soooft." You sat up and pulled Lucifer's towel off you so you could feel the fuzzy blanket beneath you. "Mm, it's super warm too. I might have to borrow it someday if you're cool with that." You laid back down to take in all the warmth and coziness. You looked over to see his usual blushing expression as you were now exposed in your bikini once again.

"Yeah, th-that's fine..." He didn't break his gaze away. "Aren't you cold, Y/n?"

"A bit, yeah."

"Is it okay if I..." He gestured towards your body. "Um, c-cuddle you?"

A big smile came across your face as you emphatically agreed with a nod.

Your favorite otaku moved closer to you. You remained laying on your back while Levi laid on his side. He wrapped his arm over your waist, making sure to pull himself into you as close as he could. He rested his legs alongside yours, his top one draped slightly over yours, while his head relaxed onto your shoulder. You wrapped one arm behind him and the other across his arm that was draped across you, gently rubbing up and down his arm with your hand.

At first, he diverted his eyes away from your body, but they slowly migrated back to you. His eyes followed every curve he could see. "Y/n... Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. What do you mean?"

His voice spoke softly. "Like, you went through a lot earlier, you know? I-I just... want to make sure you're okay."

"Levi, you're so sweet." You kissed the top of his head reassuringly and carded your fingers through his purple hair. "I promise you, I'm okay. I just probably need to take it easy for the rest of the weekend."

He hugged you tightly. "If you need anything, Y/n, I'll do it for you. I'll even go out in public if I need to."

"That's super kind of you. I'll let you know, mmk?" Levi nodded his head in response. "One thing's for sure, Levi. I definitely want to game with you!"

"Hyahaha! You're such a boss! It's really nice having someone to game with regularly now." His genuine excitement made you smile.

After a minute of remaining quiet while listening to the others, Levi continued. "Say, um, Y/n... I just want to tell you something before this wine wears completely off. I mean, what happened earlier sobered me, and I think all of us, up a lot. But I'm still a little loosened up from the wine."

Levi sighed then continued. "I'm just not brave enough to talk to you like this everyday, so... Thank you for earlier, Y/n. As crazy as that was for my.. first time, I'm r-really glad it was with you. Like, really glad, Y/n. I didn't see anyone there besides us. I was so focused on you and wanting to please you. I just want you to know that I, like... I w-wasn't using you or anything like that. You weren't just some, like, person to f-fuck. Uh, you... you just mean a lot to me, Y/n. And I'm beyond happy that we could share something like that, even with them there. And I know you and Mammon have some sort of thing going on, but I'll always respect that no matter what. You both mean a lot to me, but especially you.. in a different way than him, obviously. I just... really, really like you, Y/n. And I wanted you to know that."

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