🧡💀 Levi Being Brave 💀🧡

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You took the glass of water Levi handed to you and thanked him. You hadn't had water in a while and certainly needed it.

He took a seat next to you while laughing. "This stuff really does help," he said while holding up his mixed drink.

"Yeah, it does," you giggled. Still, you were plenty nervous around the demons after Lucifer's game of strip poker, just not nearly as much as you probably would be without a few drinks in your system. You and Levi watched the flames of the fire in silence for a while as you warmed up.

"I, uh... I'm glad we all got to come here with you," Levi said. "A weirdo otaku like me would never do this kind of stuff without you."

"Don't say that like it's a bad thing, Levi," you said while jokingly rolling your eyes and looking over to him. You blushed as you saw the look on his face, one that made your heart pound.

Levi reached his hand out to you, and, to your surprise, reached around your head and let your hair down. His amber eyes examined yours while he said, "I like your hair better this way, Y/n." His cheeks were tinted pink as usual, but his demeanor was much more confident than earlier.

However, you were increasingly nervous, but in an enjoyable way. You'd never seen Levi be so forward with you. "Th-thanks, Levi," you said quietly.

"You're so damn cute when you blush," Levi said while leaning close to you. He paused with his face just before yours, then said, "Do you know why I didn't want to join the game of strip poker earlier?"

"N-no," you said softly while shaking your head. You could feel your heart beating faster in your chest.

"Hm," Levi chuckled. "I just wanted to do what pervy otakus like me do best: watch you. I wanted to see just how far you'd go," he said while tucking your hair behind your ear.

"L-Levi," you muttered while unable to look away from the boldness of the usually shy demon.

He took your hand into his, interlacing your fingers together. "I think of you all the time, Y/n. I wish I could spend every moment of my day with you. I just want you all to myself sometimes... but I know that's not what's best for you or my brothers."

You found yourself speechless listening to him. He was a bit all over the place, but it was nice hearing him speak so freely. You listened intently as he continued.

"You have no idea how many times I've fantasized about you. Thinking about the night at the lake, the times alone with you in my room, the way you looked dressed in the maid outfit I picked out for you..." Levi's hand squeezed tightly onto yours as he spoke. "You looked like something straight out of an otaku's dream. And getting to see you strip down to nothing tonight..."

You could feel Levi's breathing was gradually becoming heavier as he stared into your eyes. You were frozen, still taken aback by this personality shift. Levi suddenly brought his mouth to yours, catching you off guard. You kissed him back, allowing your tongue to intertwine with his.

You were certain you'd never felt this energy emitting from Levi before. Feeling him be so direct was turning you on. His hand moved up your thigh, then beneath your robe. Your body began to tremble slightly, causing Levi to look into your eyes once more. "Are you alright?"

You feebly nodded your head. "Yeah, I'm..." You paused as you heard the others coming inside from outdoors.

Levi gave you a quick kiss before saying, "We can wait, I guess.. lol."

You smiled then turned around to see the rest of the brothers come inside, all still missing pieces of their clothing. "Wait, did y'all lea-" You were cut off by Levi's laughing at your choice of words. So you playfully hit his arm before continuing. "Sorry, did you all just leave Belphie outside?"

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