💛🐏✨ Prove It ✨🐏💛

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During the week, you typically spent most of your free time working on homework and studying. You really loved learning everything they taught at R.A.D. It was nothing like school in the human world. You typically didn't spend much time hanging out with anyone. Of course, you wanted to, but you always made sure to have homework finished before doing anything else.

Mammon couldn't be more opposite than you in that aspect. On Wednesday, he was antsy from not getting to spend much time with you. He came into your room while you were working on a research paper. "Why d'ya gotta study so much, Y/n?! Let's go do somethin' fun."

"Mammon, you know how I always pass my tests? And you usually, er... don't?"

"Psh. Yeah. It's not like I couldn't if I actually tried." A big cheeky grin developed on his face. "I am the Great Mammon, after all."

You laughed at him. "Hell yeah you are. So prove it."

"Wha?? Prove what?"

"Prove to me you can pass all your tests."

Mammon looked a bit annoyed. "I shouldn't have to prove it to ya for you to believe me."

"You've got me wrong, Mammoney. I fully believe you can. Actually, I know you can. You just never really try. And that's all I want to see. I want to see you try for your own sake, not mine." Mammon still looked uninterested. "I can help you study!" He still didn't look the least bit interested in what you were saying. He looked kind of zoned out.

You stood up from your bed, setting your work on the ground. You pulled Mammon towards the bed, making him sit upright on it. You straddled him, beginning to take his uniform tie off and unbutton his shirt. "Orrr we could make it more interesting."

His face was flushed. The two of you hadn't done anything sexual since the weekend besides making out, and the tension was building in both of you. "Y-Y/n..."

You trailed kisses along his upper chest, making your way across any exposed skin. You could feel his cock growing hard underneath you. "How about every time you pass an exam, you get a special treat from me." Your slow kisses made their way up his neck. You said softly into his ear, "Would you like that, Mammon?" You felt his cock twitch desperately beneath you.

"Y-yeah, I would..." He placed his hands on the sides of your lower hips, resting just at the fullness of your butt. Your hips began rocking back and forth, slowly grinding your clit along his hard cock. You didn't plan on this when you got on him, but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted more of him.

"Mmm, good demon~," you whispered into his ear. You looked at the demon to see his face a deeper shade of pink as he was biting his lip. You took this as your cue to kiss him. You loved the way his soft lips felt against yours. You loved his scent, the perfume he wore, the hair products he used. It all just blended into this enticing aroma. Absolutely everything about him turned you on. You began to unbutton his shirt further and slid your hands over his abs and chest, admiring the curve of every muscle.

Mammon lifted the skirt of your uniform up in the back and squeezed your ass hard. *SMACK* His hand landed hard on your ass, making you squeal.

You broke away from kissing. "Oh fuck~," you whispered. You immediately went back to kissing him. While holding onto your ass, Mammon pushed your hips down onto his dick, guiding them to move quicker and harder. You could feel your panties were wet, as the pleasure from your clit intensified. Your bodies were synched, your kisses bringing just as much sexual pleasure as the friction between you two below.

You moved your hands down his body to his pants, trying desperately to unbutton them. Just as you were unzipping them, you heard a knock at the door. You and Mammon looked at each other, and you shrugged not knowing what to do. You stayed quiet for a while before hearing...

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