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You woke up later than usual, but not too late. Mammon wasn't in bed with you, so you grabbed your D.D.D. to message him. "Where you at, demon?"

You stood up to go get dressed and quickly realized how unbelievably wobbly your legs were. You gave up on walking for the time being and laid back down in bed, playing a mobile game.

*knock* *knock*

"Y/n, you in there?"

You smiled recognizing Satan's soothing voice. "Yep, you can come in."

"Hey, Y/n. How are you feeling?"

"My entire body is sore, and I can't walk," you giggled. "But I did get good sleep, which is nice."

"That's good, at least. I actually brought you someth-" Satan cut himself off as he blushed. "Uh, Y/n, y-you..."

You looked at him inquisitively. "I what?"

"Um," he looked away, his face completely red.

Oh shit.

You realized you were still only wearing panties and a shirt while laying face down on your bed, so he could clearly see your butt. You scrambled to get back under your covers. "S-sorry Satan... I couldn't stand up properly to get clothes yet..."

He sighed, looking back over at you. You couldn't believe he was shy to see you like that. "It's okay. And, sorry you can't walk." He cleared his throat. "I actually came here to give you something."

You took the small bottle he handed you and examined it's cerulean contents.

"I made it last night for you. It's a potion to help your body recover. Your muscles should all feel way better within thirty minutes or so after ingesting it. You should be completely better within a few hours after that."

You held your arms out to him to hug him. He smiled and embraced you while you thanked him for his selfless gift.

He laughed, putting his hand behind his neck. "You'll actually feel a noticeable difference minute by minute. I hope it helps."

"Heeeey, is there a party going on in here?" Asmo appeared in the doorway with a cute, stylish apron on. "You doing okay, Y/n?" He winked at you as he asked.

You were slightly embarrassed to look at Asmo, considering he was the one who convinced you to kiss Leviathan, making him the catalyst for the previous night's events. "Yeah, I'm doing good."

"Great! Then get your cute self up. I came to let you know breakfast is just about ready!"

"Oh, I'm going to wait a bit. I'll be there soon though!"

"Mmk cutie, don't keep me waiting~." Asmo sauntered off back to the kitchen.

"He really is ultra flirty with you," Satan sighed. "Does he give you the creeps?"

"Hahahah, not at all. He can be really direct sometimes, but I just shrug it off." You went ahead and drank the vial of Satan's potion. "I mean, you're all flirty with me to an extent, right?"

"Ghh! That, uh... maybe..."

You giggled at his reaction. "Well, I don't mind it. All of you are really cute and sweet to me." You blushed admitting it, but it was true.

Satan's emerald eyes met yours, looking equally serious and alluring. He began to lean closer to you. "But you thought we were more than 'cute' last night, didn't you?"

"Um, uh- yeah, I-" Your cheeks warmed up as you found yourself unable to look at him anymore or form a sentence.

"Satan, why are you getting so close to Y/n?"

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