💛🐏🌟 Grateful 🌟🐏💛

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"Aah, the hell??" Mammon had just lost his balance a bit and slammed his shoulder into the wall. "Ughh, my legs are freakin' weak right now... The hell did ya do to me, human?"

You let out a proper giggle which soon turned into full on laughter. You turned onto your back while laughing as Mammon tried to keep his laugh contained, only to no avail.

He regained his balance and made his way to the restroom, returning with a towel and helping you sit up. His face immediately turned red after seeing what all he did to you. "Do ya need me to, or can.. you?"

"I've got it," you giggled. You always loved seeing how flustered he could get after being so direct and provocative. You cleaned yourself up as best you could, then folded the towel up neatly.

He stood up and offered his arm out to you while smiling sweetly. "C'mon, I'll help ya clean up more." You held onto his arm for support as you stood up with shaky legs. He wrapped his arm around you and helped you walk into the restroom, then turned the shower on for you.

While waiting for the water to get warm, he hugged you in his arms which you happily reciprocated. He placed affectionate kisses on the top of your head while stroking your hair.

Once the water was warm enough, he sat you down on the built-in stacked stone bench in the shower and quickly began to wash himself off. You watched how the suds trickled down his body, admiring their white sheen against his dark complexion. He then gently did the same for you. He was careful not to use too much pressure on you, as he knew your body was still weak. Once done, he dried you off, wrapped you in a towel, and sat you down on his couch gently. "Are ya okay waitin' here for a minute, Y/n?" His voice was so soft, so loving, filling you with an incredible warmth.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you," you replied with a soft smile.

Mammon then kissed your forehead and walked over to his bed. He pulled off the top blanket and pillowcase of the pillow he had beneath you, exchanging them for clean ones he had in the closet, then made the bed. He went to the bathroom once more and came back with a towel and some sort of bottle he sat next to the bed. He spread out the towel on the bed and dimmed his lights. He came over to get you, still making sure to be gentle with you. He took the towel wrapped around you and told you to lay face down on the towel on the bed.

"Why?" you asked, rather confused about the situation.

"Trust me," he said giving you a kiss. "I think you're gonna like it."

A smile formed on your lips while you did as he said, stretching your body out and laying across the towel. He straddled you and grabbed the bottle next to the bed. "Mammon, what are you-"

"Relax, darlin'. I ain't doin' nothin' pervy, I swear," he laughed. You felt cool drops of the liquid inside the bottle drip down your spine. Mammon's hands soon slid over your back, spreading the liquid around. You recognized it as some sort of oil. It smelled amazing and warmed up as he smoothed it over your body. "This is some other stuff Asmo gave me, hell... who knows when. Thought I'd never use it."

Your muscles were melting beneath his strong touch. You'd never had a massage before like this, much less from someone you cared about so much. Rather, someone who cared about you so much. The very though brought tears to you eyes, maybe partially due to exhaustion making your emotions more raw, but perhaps not. You didn't feel you deserved something so nice, and soon, welled tears began to silently roll down your face.

Mammon pushed your hair back away from your neck and shoulders to rub oil there as well. He noticed a tear streaking down your face and paused his movements. "Oi, what's wrong?"

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