💛🐏 Thoughts 🐏💛

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Asmo immediately sauntered up to you. "My, you're glowing, Y/n! Just what have you been up to~?"

"I, uh, just got out the shower," you replied shyly.

"Come on, Y/n! Details!" Asmo said while stroking your cheek.

"D-details?" you asked with wide eyes.

Lucifer smacked Asmo's hand away from you. "Enough."

The hell kind of reaction was that?

"What were y'all up to anyway? You were gone a while," you asked the group.

"Not as long as you think," Belphie said with the slightest smirk while hugging his pillow to his chest.

"Wellllll, I'm only asking because I kind of want to go exploring," you replied. "Anyone want to go?"

"Me, me, me!" Mammon said excitedly.

"Tsk. Of course you do," Satan said in an annoyed tone.

"What?! What's wrong with that??" Mammon asked defensively. "It ain't my fault you're all too scared to say so yourselves."

"I think we're all just drained already," Lucifer sighed. "And Beel's in a food coma."

You giggled as you realized why Beel was spread out on the couch so dramatically.

"Well, whatever, let's get goin' then, Y/n," Mammon said as he took your hand and whisked you away.

Once you got outside, he gestured for you to jump on his back. You did as he said, and he took off running down the road.

"Mammon!!! W-what are you doing?!" you asked while gripping him tightly. He suddenly turned onto a trail leading into the woods. He placed you down after getting further into the treeline. "Was that necessary?" you asked.

Mammon rubbed the back of his neck as he replied, "I just, uh.. wanted to get away quick before one of them decided to tag along. N-not that I want ya all to myself or nothin'!!" He blushed and looked away from you.

"You really are greedy, aren't you?" you giggled before kissing his cheek.

"S...so!" Mammon said as he blushed further. "I just saw this trail when I was walkin' around earlier, and it reminded me of ya. I thought ya might wanna check it out or somethin'."

You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly to your chest. "That's so sweet, Mammoney."

Mammon rubbed your back. "Let's go, let's go!"

You smiled and took his hand walking down the trail together. It wasn't too long of a trail and ended near a small natural spring. You and Mammon sat on one of the large boulders surrounding it. You leaned against his shoulder as you got lost staring into the water's reflection.

"S-so, uhh.. th-there's somethin' I need to tell ya," Mammon said.

"What's that?" you asked while rubbing his arm.

"Earlier when, um.. w-well, remember when me and Levi were starin' at ya after we...?" Mammon said, too shy to finish his question.

"Yeah?" you giggled, recalling the way he and Levi stared at you after being intimate with them. "What about it?"

"Well, I dunno if Levi was starin' for the same reason, because.. you also looked damn amazing and everything... But, I saw somethin'," Mammon replied in a serious tone.

You lifted your head off his shoulder to look at him. "Saw... what??"

Mammon blushed as you looked at him. "N-nothin' bad or anything!! J-just, uhhh.. you had some, like.. little tiny horns comin' out."

You immediately felt around your head, running your fingers through your hair to see if you could feel anything. "Horns?!! A-are you sure??!"

Mammon smiled and nodded. "They aren't there now, but yeah I'm sure. They were super tiny a-and.. cute."

You couldn't help but smile and have butterflies in your stomach as you saw Mammon become flustered. Even after all the time you've spent together, he could still become flustered so easily. "What did they look like?!" you asked excitedly.

"Uhhh.. like.. tiny sharp black horns. I dunno, I've never seen anything like it," Mammon said while diverting eye contact. "They s-sorta looked like the the top of mine."

"Really?!" you said with wide eyes. "Yes! I'm going to be adorable!" you giggled.

"Hey, you're soundin' like Asmo," Mammon laughed.

"Yeah, so? Asmo knows whatsup when it comes to beauty. I'm sure he'll be excited too. But anyway, I can't believe I didn't feel anything! Like no pain or anything. They were just.. there?" you asked.

Mammon nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm surprised too. I don't know how long they were there since I was mostly payin' attention to.. other parts of ya," he said while blushing.

"Hmmm, interesting... Like what parts?" you said teasingly while gently sliding your fingers across his chest.

"Oi! D-don't get me all worked up and s-stuff. I am a demon, ya know," Mammon said with a beet red face.

"I'm just messing with you," you giggled while placing your hand on his face. You directed his face towards you and blushed as you saw his gorgeous eyes looking back at you.

Without even thinking, you pulled him to you and kissed him. His lips were deliciously soft and perfect for kissing, making you fully melt into him. Mammon wrapped his arms around you and scooted closer to you. For whatever reason, you became extremely emotional all of the sudden. In that moment, you were unable to comprehend how incredibly lucky you were. Tears of joy began slowly streaming down your face as you kissed Mammon.

Suddenly, you heard the snap of a branch and the crunching of leaves coming from behind Mammon. You and he both looked to see a small group of people, presumably a family with two young kids, walking towards you on the trail.

Mammon looked back at you and smiled before wiping your tears away. "Ya don't need to cry when you're with me, Y/n," he said softly before giving you a kiss on your forehead.

You smiled and nodded then leaned on his shoulder once more. Mammon rubbed your back as you two watched the rippling water of the hot spring. Eventually, more people ventured down the trail to where you were, so you decided to head back to the inn.

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