🖤🌸 The Demon Lord's Secret 🌸🖤

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Diavolo: Hey, Y/n!

Diavolo: I'm actually free this evening, and I was wondering if you'd thought about my offer to spend some time with me.

Diavolo: What do you think?

Your stomach filled with excitement as you read the messages. Without saying anything, you showed your D.D.D. to Mammon.

"Oh heyullll yeah, ya gotta go!" Mammon said with a grin. "I'll even drive ya over there."

You agreed and told Diavolo you were on the way.


Mammon kissed your cheek before dropping you off, and you walked up the steps to the castle.

You were greeted by Barbatos as you entered the ornate palace doors. He gave you a kind bow and looped his arm with yours as he walked you through the castle. "The Young Master and I have been awaiting your arrival," Barbatos said with a warm smile.

"I'm excited to be here, so thank you for helping me through here." You knew how powerful of a demon Barbatos is, but his kind demeanor was comforting all the same.

"Of course, Y/n. I hope you enjoy your visit," he said as he approached Lord Diavolo's study. "Shall you require anything, please do not hesitate to ask."

You thanked him while he opened the door for you and latched it behind you. "H-hey, Diavolo," you said shyly to the Lord.

Diavolo stood up from his desk and came over to hug you. "Y/n, I'm so glad you could make it!"

You couldn't help but notice his sheer size and strength as you embraced. You also quickly realized he wasn't dressed in formal clothes at all. He had on a T-shirt and black pants. "You, um.. I-I like your outfit," you admitted while blushing, internally cursing yourself for being so nervous.

"Oh, this? Hahah! It's nice to dress 'normally' when I have the opportunity," Diavolo said with a beaming smile. "Speaking of normalcy, how about we leave this room? It tends to just be a constant reminder of all the things I need to do." Diavolo held out his hand which you gladly took.

He led you into a nearby room, one that you quickly identified as his bedroom. You never really took the time to ponder what it may look like, but upon seeing it, you thought it was completely fitting. After he let go of your hand, you wandered over to one of his windows. His room was high up in the castle, so naturally there was a beautiful view of Devildom you'd never seen before.

"I feel as though I don't take enough time to appreciate things like this view," Diavolo sighed as he handed you a glass.

"It's understandable with your schedule. And what is this?" you asked holding up the glass.

"This is actually a rare kind of Demonus that's been aged 6,000 years. It's surprisingly smooth to drink. To be honest, I could use something to calm my nerves," Diavolo said before taking a sip.

Calm his nerves?!

"Are you.. nervous?" you asked quietly. You drank the Demonus as well which went down more like a sweetly tart juice than something intoxicating.

Diavolo finished his drink before he replied. "Can I be honest with you, Y/n?"

You nodded your head yes, curious as to what he'd say. You watched as Diavolo sat his glass down and leaned against the edge of his bed.

"During our.. intimate interaction we had with Lucifer and Mammon recently, I was incredibly nervous. While I'm not as nervous today, I still am enough to be quite noticeable... But, there's something else I'd like to tell you, Y/n," Diavolo said while peering into your eyes.

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