😈🐏 Chillin' 🐏😈

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It was pretty hot in Devildom today, so you put your hair up into a messy bun and changed into a skirt and camisole top. You walked over to the common room to see Levi setting up his consoles at the TV. He was wearing a shirt with your favorite anime on it.

"WHAT! Levi!!"

"HUH?!! Oh.. s-sorry, Y/n. Y-you scared me."

"No, sorry, that's my fault. But when did you get that shirt?!"

"IDK, some time ago. It's pretty old."

"Dude!" You walked up to him to examine it closer. "How have I never seen it?!"

His face was deep red. "Uh- I d-don't know... Y-you probably have...."

"No, no way. I would have remembered. This is my favorite anime."


You looked up at him smiling. "Mhmm!"

"Th-then how have we never talked about it?" Levi's eyes were sparkling. Nobody had ever asked about his anime swag, much less knew what it even was.

"That's what I'm wondering!! Like... This isn't even that popular or well known, really. I'm just surprised you even have this. I've never been able to find any merch for it." You looked up at him, slightly embarrassed by your enthusiasm. "Um, sorry... I didn't mean to interrupt you. Do you need help?"

"No, no, I've got it. Thanks though."

The two of you continued weebing out over this anime while Levi continued to set up everything.

One by one, the other brothers filtered through to watch the two of you game. The only two missing were Beel and Mammon. Asmo convinced everyone to let him paint their nails aside from you and Levi who flat out refused at the moment. You were both too consumed with killing baddies.

After some time, Mammon came over, sitting in between you and Levi. You were both in the middle of a boss fight, so you gave a quick smile over at him before returning your attention to the screen. "Soooo? Anyone gonna ask where I was for so long?"

Satan sat his book down to look over at him. "I don't think anyone cares, Mammon."

Mammon: Psh. Well, I was out shoppin'.

Asmo: Ooooh, where at? Did you get me anything?

Mammon: Why the hell should I get ya anythin'? Just what have ya done for me?

Asmo: *giggle* Well in case you don't remember, I was the one responsible for last ni-


Lucifer had just slapped Asmo on the back of his head. "How many times must I tell you to stop, Asmodeus?"

You giggled while still focused on the game.

Asmo: Don't be so rough, Lucifer. You'll get me too excited with your incredible strength.

Belphie: *sigh* You're really insufferable sometimes, Asmo.

Satan: Anyway, Mammon, whose money were you using this time?

Mammon: Hey! Wasn't anyone's money but my own, thank you.

Satan: There's no way you'll get me to believe that.

Mammon: No, really! Tell 'em, Y/n.

You: Mhmm.

Mammon: That's it? All ya can say to vouch for me is 'mhmm'?

You: Bruh, I'm in the zone.

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