💛🐏 Surprises 🐏💛

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In the morning, you woke up earlier than expected before Mammon. You had a bit of a headache from the previous night's events, so you decided to get some coffee and aspirin from the shop in the hotel. You came back and decided to read a book while enjoying your coffee. You sat outside on the giant mattress-like cushion on a platform inside the pergola with flowy sheer curtains billowing in the wind. It was near the edge of the balcony, making it a perfect spot for overlooking the city.

When you were just about finished with your coffee, you felt Mammon's arms wrap around you from behind, filling your body with cozy, warm tingles. "Good mornin', my human," he said while kissing your cheek. "Ya know what I realized when I woke up?"

You smiled and wrapped put your arms over his. "What's that?"

"It's that I never told ya how god damn delicious you looked last night gettin' spoiled by my brothers," Mammon replied. He brushed the hair away from your shoulder and kissed down your neck. "I'm so proud to have such a slutty little human to share with others."

You moaned softly as your heartbeat raced and your cheeks warmed. It was so incredibly easy for Mammon to make you become a flustered mess or turned on, and you both loved that. You reached around behind you to feel his prize tucked beneath his pants, then he suddenly stopped you. "Whatsup?" you asked.

"You're such a needy girl," Mammon said softly while still kissing your neck. "Buuut, you'll have to wait, Y/n."

You turned around to face him and rested your hands behind his neck. "You're such a damn tease, Mammon."

"Sometimes I can't help it. Ya just bring that outta me," he said before kissing you and crawling over you onto the large, plush cushion.

"And why exactly do we have to wait?" you asked as you brushed Mammon's fluffy, white hair away from his face.

"It's my birthday, right? And ya said I could do whatever I want today?" Mammon asked with an innocent, excited smile.

"Yes, of course."

"Well, I have lots planned out for us today!" Mammon's face beamed. "I already made some appointments before I came out here."

You looked at him surprised. "Appointments?! For what?"

"You'll see," Mammon replied. "I think I'm good on the gamblin'. If it was my money, I'd probably keep goin'. But I did so good last night, I don't wanna chance losin' it.... I-is that okay with you?"

"It was my gift to you, so yes it's okay. You can use it however you like," you said with a smile.

Mammon pressed his body against yours and nuzzled his head into your neck in response. "Thank ya, Y/n. B-but... just so ya know... I-it ain't like I think I'd lose or nothin'! Ya know how great I am and everything...!!"

You held back laughter and couldn't help but tease him just a little bit. "You know, I think the Great Mammon is just a big baby."

He nuzzled his face into you harder and squeezed you tighter. "Shaddup!!"

"I'm sorry, Mammoney. I couldn't resist. You're just too damn cute for your own good."

Mammon, clearly loving your compliment, looked up at you with a smirk. He led you inside where you got ready for the day. After eating brunch he'd ordered for you, you left the room shortly after.

You spent the day seeing the city and doing a few touristy things. Mammon decided to take you shopping as well. He insisted on buying clothes for you. You agreed, but only if he also chose the clothes for you. You wound up getting a few new dresses, outfits, accessories, and a pair of boots. You certainly weren't expecting any of it, but you were grateful nonetheless. You were excited to wear clothes Mammon picked out specifically because he thought they looked good on you.

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