💛💀 Winter in Devildom 💀💛

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There are two things you quickly learned as being part of the R.A.D. student council:

1. The role came with lots of perks.

2. It also meant you had to work your ass off, even when school wasn't in session.

While everyone was enjoying their break, you and the brothers were dragged into putting on a performance for a play during a winter festival hosted by R.A.D. Before joining the Underworld, you would have never imagined the seven rulers of it and the future Demon King would all be participating in stageplays.

Diavolo and his damn ideas.

Yet, here you were in a student council meeting during your winter break listening to the details of this play from the Demon Lord himself. You felt bad for being so salty, but R.A.D. was so demanding as it was. You were looking forward to some time off from responsibilities. The play would be written and directed by Simeon, which... yeah, you'd done this before. And yeah, it didn't go over so well with the brothers.

Part of you was excited though. If the brothers could work cohesively, things like this were actually enjoyable. These days you could typically get them to work together fairly easily, which in the end worked out for everyone.

"Y/n, I said you would be playing the lead, if okay with you?" The sound of Diavolo's voice snapped you out of your apparent daydream you didn't realize you were even in to begin with.

"Yeah, I'll play whatever role you want me to." As soon as the words escaped your lips you realized that seemed to almost imply something else. "I-I mean, f-for this, you know? Like, I'll do whatever you want me to do. I-"

Just shut up now.

You sighed as your cheeks burned from embarrassment in front of all the brothers and the Demon Lord. You didn't even know what role in the play you'd just agreed to do, but you couldn't go back now. "Yes, that's fine," you mumbled while leaning back in your chair.

Being his normal cheery self, Diavolo laughed and expressed his excitement for you playing the lead role.

You refused to look at any of the brothers, knowing they all had their eyes on you. After the conversation continued which luckily you only had to listen to, Mammon snuck his hand over to your thigh beneath the table. He didn't look at you at all and seemed focused on the conversation.

Not wanting to draw any attention to yourself, you didn't look at him either. You figured he knew damn well he was teasing you as his thumb rubbed gentle circles on your bare thigh beneath your skirt.

[Trigger Warning: Very brief mention of a recent sexual assault by a stranger to MC (no descriptive details are given). Skip the following paragraph if needed.]

After the incident that Beel saved you from, Mammon seemed apprehensive to do anything sexual with you out of not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Despite the whole encounter still unfortunately being fresh in your memory, you assured Mammon you were okay with doing things sexually with him. But being the sweet, overprotective demon he is, he decided to give you time to heal and process the somewhat traumatic event, not wanting to push you too much.

[Resume Reading Here]

But over the past few days, Mammon had been doing more and more flirty things with you. Touching your bare skin in somewhat intimate places, letting his lips linger longer than usual on your neck and shoulders. None of it bothered you whatsoever due to what happened. And truly, it just left you wanting more from Mammon. You wanted to feel his love for you and give the same back, but you respected his wish to give you some space and time to process everything. After all, he was there to look after you. Maybe waiting really was what's best for you.

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