💛🌸 Playing 🌸💛

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After eating and helping with dishes, Levi ran up to you. "Y/N, Y/N!!! LOOOOOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL!" He held up his new RPG game to you.

Finally, some normalcy.

You saw a kitty character on the cover and got all excited. He let you hold the game to get a better look at it. "This looks awesome! Have you played it yet?"

His eyes were literally sparkling with excitement. "Not yet, I really wanted to try it out with you first! You know, m-maybe like one of those games we only play t-together but not separate... Pleeeease, please Y/n? Can we start it?!"

You glanced over at Mammon who was smirking and shaking his head with silent laughter. You knew you both had plans, but how could you say no to Levi? You wanted to play it at some point anyway, so why not now? "Sure, Levi. Let's go for it!"

Mammon's jaw dropped. "Hey, what?! You said we were hanging out tonight?!"

"And we still are, Mammon. It's not like it's late yet. Plus, Levi, isn't this a four player game?"

"It can actually be up to six!"

"Sweet! So yeah, Mammon come with us! Paaalleeeeease?" You clasped your hands together and swayed back and forth.

Mammon blushed and looked away. "Okay, okay. Sheesh. Let's do it."

"Alright, let's gooo!" Levi was pumped, nearly jumping down the hallway with excitement.

The two of you followed Levi to his room, Mammon putting some distance between Levi and you. "Ya know I'm not lettin' ya off easy for this, Y/n."

"Daww, you really do want me all to yourself, Mammoney." You grabbed his hand, interlocking his fingers with yours.

Mammon's face flushed with color at the notion. "Y-Y/n, aren't ya like worried 'bout people seein' and stuff?"

"Nahh, not really. I just don't want anyone to make a big deal made out of it."

Mammon smiled at you, cheeks still brilliantly hued.

"On second thought...." You let go of his hand. "Maybe it will be more fun trying to hide it."

"Tch!" Mammon grabbed your waist from the side. "You're pretty fun for a human, ya know?"


Once inside Levi's room, you took a seat on some pillows set in front of his TV while he got the game set up. He grabbed VR headsets for the three of you.

"I didn't know this was VR, Levi!" you squealed.

"Yep! It's the first RPG game I've tried on VR."

The three of you began the RPG, with you choosing the kitty character class. You enjoyed seeing how competitive the two of them were and how genuinely Mammon got into the game, taking the longest to customize his character out of the three of you. However, Mammon didn't game as much as you, so you were admittedly a little better.

Levi began to get frustrated. "Mammon, nooo! Don't just charge in there by yourself... Ugghhh, now we have to start the quest over."

"Ahh, fine fine. You two go on without me then. I'm gettin' dizzy anyway."

You protested against Mammon, wanting him to keep playing, but he insisted he had enough. "It'll be more fun for me to watch you both stumble around walkin' with those huge headsets on anyway."

Eventually, you and Leviathan made it to the first major boss. "Ready, Y/n?"

"Hell yeah, let's get 'em!"

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