🧡🌸🐏 Levi's Dating Sim 🐏🌸🧡

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In the morning, you woke up to find yourself sandwiched between Belphie and Satan on a sectional sofa. You slowly sat up, trying your best not to disturb them. After your initial sleepiness wore off, you recalled you'd all passed out in the living room after a long night of excitement and drinks, some more than others.

Lucifer was sprawled out across a couch, Mammon somehow fast asleep on a table, Asmo in a love seat, and Beel on the floor. It was rather early, so you figured they'd be asleep for a while. You got blankets for everyone and covered them up. You went to your room to freshen up and get dressed, then decided to go look for Levi.

You found him on the upstairs balcony playing a game. You slid the door open and plopped down next to him. "You're up early, little otaku."

"Y-Y-Y/N!! D-don't get so close to me all the sudden!!! M-my heart can't take it," Levi said while gripping his chest.

You tried to stifle laughter but inevitably failed. "Hahahaha, I'm so sorry Levi! I swear I'm not laughing, like.. at you! You're just so cute when you're flustered," you giggled.

"Ugghhhh, Y/n, are you trying to kill me?!!" Levi asked as he buried his face in his hands.

You stroked his hair as you said, "I'm sorry Levi. What are you doing up so early anyway? Don't you normally sleep in pretty late on weekends?"

"It's more like I'm up late at this point," Levi sighed. "I couldn't sleep last night. I've been too excited."

"Excited for what?" you asked.

"W-well... you know, everything you told us," Levi said as he looked into your eyes.

"Yeah, my cheeks are sore from smiling so much yesterday," you giggled.

"Mine too, actually," Levi shyly admitted. "When I knew we'd get an exchange student living with us, I never expected it to be this good." His face turned intensely red. "W-w-what I mean i-is I thought it would just be us seven together!!! B-but now it's eight of us, a-and that's really cool."

You hugged him to you, making him even more flustered. "Thank you, Levi," you said placing a kiss on his cheek. Trying to save him from anymore embarrassment, you decided to change the subject. "Hey, what game were you playing?"

"Oh this?" Levi handed his console to you. "It's a dating sim called I Never Knew Being a Human Amongst Devils Could Be So Tiring, and Now I'm Stuck Trying to Figure Out How to Ice Skate!"

"...Ice Skate?" you said, looking through the game.

"Yeah, it takes place in a winter themed world. Everything is snowy and cold all the-" Levi suddenly cut himself off, realizing what you'd seen: the character name of his in-game girlfriend. "S-so this is one of those games you can name all of the characters, and.. Uhhh, I.... I named her character after you, b-because.. well, the story just reminded me of you coming to Devildom."

"Aww, Levi! That's really cute," you giggled.

Levi hid his embarrassment once again. "I-i-it's not cute!!! It's not like I-"

"Does that mean you want to go on a date?" you asked.

"Ehh?!!!" Levi yelled, his face even more bright red.

You stood up and held out your hand to him. "Come on, let's go before anyone wakes up."

Levi peeked at you through his fingers and hesitantly took your hand. You helped pull him up and went back inside. You wrote a note and taped it on the front door letting the others know you'd be gone, then left.


You walked hand in hand with Levi around the town and decided to wander through a few shops. "Oooh, look, Y/n! They have chopsticks themed with the first anime we watched together! Look, they have different colors for the main characters!!" Levi excitedly handed you a pair matching your favorite character from the anime. You couldn't help but smile from seeing how excited he was. "Do you want those? I'll buy them for you!"

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