💛🌸🌟 A Demon 🌟🌸💛

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You nervously went into the inn towards the room you were staying in. You shut the traditional rice paper door behind you and sighed in relief. As you lit a few candles for warmth, you thought of how insanely difficult it was to be around seven demons all the time. They tended to tempt you at every opportune moment, which is not to say you didn't enjoy that. Even after all this time, you still were just so shy around them.

Of course, you were quickly followed by Mammon. "Oi, Y/n," you heard beyond the door.

You opened it to see Mammon with a towel around his waist, his skin shimmering in the candlelight. "H-hey, M-Mammon," you quietly said as you looked the other way. Your mind was going to places you didn't think it should be, so you tried to calm down. But how could you with an incredibly handsome demon in your company?

"I brought you some tea," he said, offering you a steaming cup.

"Thanks," you replied, taking the warm cup in your hands. You sat down on the shiki mattress and took a sip of the fresh tea.

"I'm not really one for tea, but this stuff's pretty good, right?" Mammon said with a smile.

You nodded and took in the aroma. It smelled different than any tea you'd had before, no doubt with Devildom ingredients. You sat in silence for a few minutes enjoying the tea. "Sorry I left so quickly earlier. I, uh.. I really am tired, but.. you know.. things were getting a little, um..."

"Yeah, I know," Mammon laughed. "Y-you know, I c-can't blame them... Y-you're just s-so damn gorgeous...."

You blushed as you saw Mammon's face tint beautifully pink, his eyes fixed away from you. He was always so cute when shy. You sat your tea down on a table nearby and took his to do the same. He stuttered your name while blushing even more.

You took his hands in yours and kissed them, beyond grateful to have him so intimately in your life. Mammon reached out to you and lifted your chin up to make eye contact with you. You blushed as his beautifully rich blue-gold eyes met yours, making your heart flip. He slowly leaned forward while pulling you towards him to kiss. "W-wait.. wait," you said softly before your lips met. "Mammon, there's.. something I need to tell you."

Mammon leaned back and sat upright, giving you a confused look. "...What?" he said with a worried inflection in his voice.

"I-it's nothing bad or anything like that! So don't worry, please," you said. You took a deep breath and continued. "So, remember when I lost consciousness during your birthday trip?"

"Yeah, of course," Mammon replied. He still looked just as confused.

"Well, this was something I had to keep to myself, but.. I know what made me sick," you said slowly.

Mammon looked back at you more worried than ever. "Well... what?!!"

You sighed and continued. "I wanted to tell you this as soon as I found out, but I promised to keep this to myself. The idea was that I'd have time to ponder this on my own before telling anyone. S-so.. hear me out." You took Mammon's hand and continued to tell him everything you knew about the soul transfer from him to you. You told him how lucky you were to be alive, that the pact you shared was the only reason you were still alive since your souls were already intertwined to begin with. You paused as you saw Mammon's increasingly pained expression develop.

"So.. you're saying.. because of me... y-you.. almost.. d-... d-...." Unable to finish his sentence, Mammon choked up as he spoke, tears developing in his eyes.

You squeezed his hands reassuringly. "It's not like that, Mammon."

"It is though!" he shrieked, pain in his voice. "I-I'm supposed to be the one protectin' you, a-and..... I almost got you.. killed!"

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