💛🌸🌟 Confessions 🌟🌸💛

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You and Mammon walked together hand in hand towards the wall that had the tunnel underneath. You went under water and swam towards the light coming from the other side. After swimming under the wall through the tunnel below, the atmosphere began to change. You realized the light source was coming from glowing blue crystals speckled on the tunnel floor beneath you. The number of crystals increased until the entire floor was covered in them. The color was magnificent.

Before you knew it, Mammon pulled your hand and pointed up, signaling you could resurface. You did so and followed him to a large, smooth stone platform lining the wall to your left. You pulled yourself up and sat down next to Mammon, looking at the ethereal scenery around you. Aside from the platform you were sitting on, the entire room was covered in these blue, glowing crystals. There were pastel purple, clear, and white stalactites adorning the ceiling. The blue and teal crystals aligned on the walls, ceiling, and in the water made the room almost appear icy.

"So whaddya think, my little human?"

You looked over at Mammon to reply, "You already know I love this," before returning your gaze to the crystals. Some were absolutely gigantic while some were more tiny.

"I found it one day while wanderin' around over here. Me and my brothers were here together, but I decided to walk through the woods for a bit and stumbled upon the cave. I saw the glowin' light and just had to check it out. They actually don't even know about this. I kinda wanted to keep it secret."

"Then why did you tell me?"

"Dummy, because you're different. Ya know, they always give me crap for bein' the way I am, and I get it. I make really dumb decisions... a lot." He paused to sigh before continuing. "I always do that stuff to, I dunno... make myself feel better, I guess. I mean, obviously I'm a greedy lil punk no matter what. But, there's a different way I could go about it. I don't have to be so stubborn all the damn time and owe people money..."

You rubbed his back, knowing you just needed to listen instead of talk at the moment.

"I guess it gets outta hand, 'cause... spendin' money is the way I cope with things. It's hard bein' Lucifer's second, ya know? The guy's all perfect and stuff. I just feel like I'm never gonna be close to that. And since I'm the second oldest, I feel like I should at least be tryin' to be like him. And I did for a long time, but it just never felt like me. So I kinda started walkin' the opposite path."

You leaned your head on his shoulder while still rubbing his back, looking out at the water as he continued to talk.

"I dunno, I feel so inadequate sometimes. Although, I'll never admit that to anyone... except you, Y/n. I swear, you've changed me and still are changin' me. Ever since ya came here, I've wanted to try more and be better. Believe it or not, I'm in less trouble now with Lucifer than I probably ever have been. And you sayin' the other day you want me to try more with school because you know I'm capable of doing it.... It just meant the absolute world to me. It gave me a huge boost of confidence knowin' that ya honestly do believe in me. It seems like you like me for who I am now, not for who you want me to be. You see some sort of potential in me that others would just scoff at."

"Mammon," you softly said, taken aback by his words.

Mammon suddenly pulled you in front of him and hugged you. "Y/n, what I'm tryin' to say is...... I love you, Y/n."

Your eyes shot open as you held him closely to you. Your mouth opened to speak but no words came out.

"I love ya Y/n, with all my heart. Don't feel like ya gotta say it back or anythin'. I just... I know it's probably way too soon to say somethin' like that. But even though we haven't been together long, we've lived together for a long time. I've really grown to know you more as each week passes. I thought maybe it was infatuation, but no, Y/n. It's love. There's somethin' about ya that makes me never want to lose you. You're so caring and kind to everyone. You put others before yourself a lot, includin' my chaotic self. I've always felt you acted different around me too than ya did with my brothers, but maybe I imagined it." He squeezed you tighter.

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