💛⚡🐏 Understanding 🐏⚡💛

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You come upon another trail branching off the main one. Curious, you decided to go that way. You reached the end, seeing a beautiful pergola with ivy-like plants covering the top and hanging off the sides. It overlooked the back of the manicured lake in the courtyard. You walked underneath the pergola, seeing a certain white-haired demon to your left.

You walked up next to him and leaned onto a large support beam of the pergola. You watched the moonlight dance upon the tiny waves of the lake. You both remained silent for a while.

"Mammon, I've literally been looking for you all day." You had an uneasy feeling building in your stomach.

"Tch. You seemed to be having plenty of fun with Lucifer." He sounded hurt.

"It's not like it was my idea. I couldn't find you after seeing you outside the kitchen this morning, and Lucifer happened to intercept me as soon as I started looking for you. He made me go with him here. I just wanted to come find you..." Your voice slipped away from you.

"What was up with that anyway? I came to look for you after you left the table this mornin' only to see you all over Beel. And then, once here... you literally spent all day with... him." Mammon had disgust in his voice as he spoke about Lucifer.

"You know it wasn't like that..." You felt a lump forming in your throat, knowing you were on the verge of tears. "Please, Mammon... I didn't see you anywhere... I wanted nothing more than to see you this morning, okay? And everything got all out of whack, and..." You turned away from him, feeling your eyes sting and the hot tears begin to run down your face.

"Y/n." Mammon came over to you and hugged you, pulling you in closely to him. You hugged back, feeling more tears come down. "Please don't cry." He kissed the top of your head, hugging you tighter.

"Mammon..." You had no words. You were so happy to feel his warmth but also wishing more than anything he would understand what happened.

Mammon rubbed your back realizing his mistake. "Y/n... I'm sorry for even accusin' ya of anything. I... really say some stupid shit when I'm jealous. I was just so pissed at Lucifer and Asmo this mornin' for what they were doin' to you. Then I saw you huggin' another one of my brothers when I looked for you." He let out a big sigh and pulled away from you too look into your eyes. "I want your attention all to myself, ya know?"

You giggled, still with tears in your eyes. "My attention is on you. I told you, I don't feel for anyone like I do with you. Lucifer was just being his normal sadistic self, and Asmo.. well, he basically found out what happened between us. Somehow he saw me go into my room this morning... in your clothes." You blushed and looked back at the moonlight dancing with the waves.

"Ahh, figures. Whatever, I'm okay with that. The more people who know the better, right?" He directed your chin towards him, making you see him staring sweetly at you. Your heart fluttered getting lost in his glowing sapphire eyes. "That just means more people will know you're mine. Isn't that right, Y/n?"

Before you could properly respond, Mammon leaned in to kiss you, wrapping his hand through your hair to the back of your head. You grabbed onto his arm, loving the feeling of his touch again.

Mammon broke the kiss. "Mn. I've been waitin' all day for that, Y/n."

"Maybe don't disappear on me, and you won't have to wait so long next time." It felt so soothing being in his presence once more.

Suddenly, he gently pushed you back into the support beam of the pergola, leaning over you. "I haven't been able to tell ya how damn amazing ya look today either." He ran his hand teasingly over your dress, ever so slightly putting pressure along your skin.

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