😈🐏 Glowing 🐏😈

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After minutes of walking through the forest, you made it to a clearing around the water. The spot you were in was on a long strip of sand. Ahead of you, you saw tall mountains in the distance. Trees towered over the edges of the lake as far as you could see. The water was literally glowing, as Satan said.

The glowing rocks were scattered in the sand, increasing in number until there were nothing but smooth stones at the edge of the water and beyond. They were all smaller than your palm and were easy to walk on. You picked one of them up, turning it over in your hand. It emitted a beautiful orange color and felt warm to the touch. It sparkled as you moved it and was even transparent in some spots.

While in somewhat of a trance, you heard footsteps behind you. "Those are cool, right?"

You nodded in agreement while still turning the stone over in your hand.

"Well, I got somethin' cooler to show ya later," Mammon said while rubbing your arm.

You melted at his touch but tried to hold in your excitement. "Really? What is it?"

"I ain't spoilin' it, human. You'll have to wait and see."

You smiled, wondering why he liked surprising you so often. "Sounds good." You returned the stone and walked with Mammon over to where the group was putting down their things. After laying out your blanket on the sand, you noticed a spot where a fire had previously been made. "Please tell me someone brought a lighter?"

"Gotcha, Y/n." Belphie tossed a lighter at you.

"Thanks!" You sat it down next to the spot for the fire then walked towards the trees to collect firewood.

Lucifer immediately noticed and asked with a concerned tone, "Where are you going?"

"Getting some wood to start a fire."

"Don't wander off too far, Y/n."

"Luci, I'll be right here. Don't worry."

Levi walked over to you. "I'll help!" The two of you rounded up enough wood for a decent sized fire, plus more to add for later.

There was still a little bit of natural Devildom 'light' left, but it was close to being as dark as it would be for the evening. It never got too bright in Devildom, and it got really dark really fast. You got the fire going then sat on your blanket, admiring the beauty of the natural scenery.

Levi: I call next to Y/n!!

Mammon: Nuh uh, little bro. I'm next to her.

Asmo: No me! I want to make sure to get lots of pictures with her for Devilgram.

Beel: I'm next to her. I want to share all my snacks with her.

Satan: Y/n, you want me next to you, right?

Belphie: I wanted to lay next to Y/n. She's so warm and cuddly.

Lucifer: You need me next to you to protect you from these fools, yes Y/n?

The brothers were all surrounding you by this point. You put your hands on your face and bowed your head. This happened all the time with just about everything. It was cute, but it also led to them getting bossy with one another and even fights at times.

You: Guys, I just want us all to chill. Can we do that? Why don't you kinda... I dunno, pick a spot somewhere around me. Just don't fight over it, okay?

Asmo: Oh hun, don't stress. It's bad for your skin.

You: I'm fine, Asmo. I-

Levi: You saying don't stress is probably going to make her stress more, Asmo.

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