💚💀 An Evening with Satan 💀💚

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After you and Mammon had parted ways at your front door, your nerves heightened with each step towards Satan's room. You took a deep, calming breath once you were at his door and knocked.

"Y-Y/n, you look.. nice," he stammered upon opening the door.

"Thanks, Satan. Um, may I?" you asked quietly, motioning to go inside his room.

"Oh! Yes... please." He stepped aside to let you go in his room.

"So, whatsup? What did you want to talk about?"

Satan began to explain everything he had learned so far about the enchantment's effects on you and the possible ways to counteract it. He sat on the big purple armchair in his room, reading aloud the notes he'd taken from certain books.

Meanwhile, you listened to him while examining the types of books he had stacked in his room.

"I'll actually need to consult Solomon on this, which.. no offense, but I'm not really looking forward to it," Satan said.

"Why would I take offense?"

"Well... You're both human?"

You laughed, "So that means I have to relate with every human? I know you think differently of me than him."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," he laughed, albeit nervously. "Regardless, he probably has some knowledge from a human perspective on this. At least that's what I'm hoping," Satan sighed. "I just really want to make sure I don't make this any worse or harm you in any way."

"I'm not worried about it in any way, Satan. I know you'll figure it out." You turned to look at him. "I trust you. Plus, I don't mind having a tail and ears for a while."

"O-oh, yeah... I'm really glad, Y/n." He forced himself to rip his eyes away from you to read more and get back on track.

As he explained more about how the enchantment actually works, you became distracted while he was speaking. Your concentration on his words dwindled as you found yourself wanting to, well... give into your new cat-like instincts and rub up against him for pets. As strange as it was, you wanted attention and affection. You walked over to the armchair Satan was sitting in and kneeled to the side of his legs. He paused his speech as he moved his book aside to look at you. "Y/n, w-what are you...?"

It was unlike Satan to become flustered so easily, but you certainly enjoyed it. You placed your chin on his knee and looked up at him, your tail swaying playfully. "Keep talking, but... can you pet me too?"

Satan's face immediately became painted with a brilliant pink rouge. He placed his hand on your head, running it over your hair and kitty ears. He then turned his attention back to his book as he continued reading and explaining things to you.

You wrapped your arms around his legs and closed your eyes, feeling relaxed.

"A-are you comfortable sitting down there?" Satan asked. You looked up at him without saying anything. "I just, think... maybe you should sit next to me instead of on the floor..." Without waiting for an answer, he moved over to make room for you. The chair was certainly big enough for two people to sit comfortably in.

You decided to sit in his lap, draping your legs into the open space he made for you. Satan immediately developed a more flustered expression. "Y/n, I- I didn't mean you should sit on me."

You rested your head on his shoulder. "If you want me to move though, I will."

"No, you can stay there," he said quietly.

You wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you, Satan. Keep reading then."

"S-sure..." Satan kept petting your head while reading to you.

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