💛🐏 A Trip with Mammon 🐏💛

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Mammon drove for about an hour, still keeping where you were going and what you'd be doing a secret. You had so many questions about the sights along the way, things you'd never seen before. This was the furthest you'd been away from the House of Lamentation, so it was all brand new to you. You ascended high up into the mountains, giving you some cool glimpses of scenery further below.

Eventually, you arrive to a cute, tiny restaurant and order lunch. There weren't many people in there, so it felt pretty cozy. "So have you been to where we're going before?"

"Actually once, yeah. I didn't hang around or nothin'. Asmo was up here at some party thing and got wasted. He lost track of his ride home and called me bawlin' his eyes out," he laughed. "I felt bad for him, but I was kinda pissed I had to drive this far to get him. Anyway, ended up workin' out for both of us. He blabbered on the way home about how much of a good brother I am, which ya know.. I am! So I loved hearin' that, ahahaha!"

You couldn't help but giggle at his ridiculousness. "Well, I love it so far. I feel like there's just so much to see in Devildom, and I've barely seen any of it."

"Just wait, Y/n. We'll have winter break from school soon enough, and I know we can do some explorin' then."

After you finished eating, you got back into his car and drove a little further. While looking out at the scenery, you noticed he slowed down to turn off the winding road you'd been on for a while. The steep road took you further up the mountain.

Eventually, you began to see cabins scattered here and there. He took one more turn down another road with a single cabin at the end of it. Well, cabin was a complete understatement with this house. "Is this...? Are we...?" you said as Mammon pulled his car into the driveway.

Not saying anything, Mammon kissed your cheek with a smirk on his face and got out of the car with both your bags. You got out as well, taking time to look at the house. It was enormous compared to the homes you saw on the way. It looked like a lavishly modern, rustic cabin.

Mammon came up next to you and took your hand. "C'mon."

He unlocked the front door and led you through. He walked you through the house, showing you all the ins and outs. He placed your bags down in the final bedroom before opening a sliding glass door for you. It led to a huge outdoor deck with what looked to be essentially a covered living room with a fireplace. On either side of that area were more uncovered seating areas, a firepit, bar, full range, and essentially anything you could think of to put in an outdoor space.

You realized over one side of the deck, you could see far in the distance all the familiar city lights and skyline of the area you just left. You walked to the other edge to see it faced an entire view of the valley beyond, complete with a gorgeous range of mountains folding in and out of the valley. You stood there for a while almost in shock from how breathtaking it was. You hadn't seen something like this in person since leaving the human world.

Mammon held you from behind and kissed your cheek. "I'm guessin' ya like it?" He rested his chin on your shoulder.

"This is incredible. How did you even... How are we here?!" You put your hand on his while his arms were still wrapped around you from behind.

"So, ya know how I told ya earlier I rescued Asmo? It was actually from this house where the party was. The owners who threw the party were so grateful to get him out when I got there. I guess he was annoyin' them while he was freakin' out for the hour it took me to get here. Anyway, the owners said I could come stay here as a thank you for pickin' up Asmo. This is more of their vacation home, so they aren't here most of the time."

You turned to face him now. "So you cashed in another favor for me then?"

"Yep!" Mammon replied with a huge smile. "Oh, and I couldn't tell ya earlier without givin' this away, but I've actually been up here twice. The second time was yesterday mornin' when I left for a while. I met the owners up here for them to give me their spare key and show me around inside. I didn't really pay attention or see much of it before since I wasn't here very long. So, I kinda lied to ya.. but not really!" he laughed.

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