🐏✨ Save the Kitties! ✨🐏

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With preparations for Friday's event in full swing, Thursday went by quickly for everyone. Beel and Mammon both went to get everything you needed after class while you started baking at home. The two of them were even kind enough to help you through the evening since their only jobs with the fundraiser weren't until the following day.

Eventually you and Mammon crashed in your room again, both exhausted from the work you did.

After school on Friday, you rushed home with only a few hours left before the fundraiser began. You went to your room to change out of your uniform and freshen up. You heard a knock on your door. "H-hey, Y/n... c-can I come in?"

"Yes, Levi," you replied. "Whatsup?"

Your door slowly creaked open. "U-um, I-I brought th-this for you..." He handed you a shopping bag.

"Oh snap! Is this what you picked out for today?" He nodded his head shyly with his face beet red. You sat down on your bed, pulling everything out of the bag. There were fluffy cat ears, a tail, big paws that fit over your hands, a collar with a bell, and a black and white maid dress.

"I thought, uh-um, a-about this, like.. a lot, s-so I think, uh... this will b-be good..." Levi could hardly string a sentence together. "Like, what I m-mean is... you'll look r-really, um, good in... this......"

You held the dress up to yourself to look down and see how it looked on you. You had to admit he had incredibly good taste. All of the individual items he chose to make up your outfit were great quality. "Levi, I seriously love it! Thank you!!" You pulled him to you for a hug.

"Oh! Uh-uhh- y-you do?" He didn't look at you and hardly touched you while attempting to halfway hug you back.

"Yes! Um, I've never really worn something like this before, but... I really think it's adorable. You did an awesome job, Levi." You pulled away from him. "I actually have some cat thigh highs I can wear with this! I think it'll be perfect."

"Y-yeah, uhm... that's, uh, k-kind of what.. um, m-made me put this together..." His nervousness was palpable.

"Dang, inspiration from my own clothing?" Your excitement completely overruled any shyness you'd normally have. You gave him a quick, friendly kiss on his cheek. "Thank you! I'll go ahead and change. So, I'll see you later, right? You'll come by there?"


"Yes," you giggled. "I know it's hard for you to be around crowds of random people, and honestly it is for me too. But, if you feel like it, I'd like to see you there. Um... I want you to see this put together too, if you'd like," you said shyly.

"Oh, uh, y-yeah I might go...."

"Well just in case you don't, I want you to know you did an awesome job, better than I would have."

"Th-thanks, Y/n... Um, I-I'll let you get ready, I uh.. yeah, see you later." He quickly left, clearly flustered.

You tried on the dress to make sure it fit, which it did perfectly. It was pretty short and showed off your cleavage, two things that were pretty exciting yet a tad nerve-racking to you. You really loved the way it looked on you. After taking a quick shower and doing your hair and makeup, you heard your D.D.D. go off.

Asmo: That weeb asked me for help picking out the right size dress for you.

Asmo: I usually have a good eye for this, but I hope it fits!

You: It's perfect!

You: Thanks for helping him out :)

Asmo: Oh! One last thing.

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