💛🌸 Let's Go 🌸💛

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Finally, the weekend has arrived. It would be a proper weekend without any responsibilities for anyone, something rather rare for the House of Lamentation.

"Y/n!!! We can game this weekend, right?!! I still haven't played that VR game we played together, I kept my word," Levi excitedly asked.

"Hell yeah, Levi! Let's do it!!"

"Wait! There's actually a rare string of comets coming through tonight. We should be able to see one around every second!" Belphie was surprisingly energized explaining this.

You were always down for stargazing or anything outdoors. "Oooh, that sounds cool! Maybe we could all watch together?"

Lucifer laughed at your reaction. It was actually nice seeing him genuinely smile, since it was a rather rare occasion. "You really are entertained easily, aren't you?"

Asmo came up to you. "So are all humans this easily entertained? Or does it maybe take something more for others~?" He bent down to be eye level with you, taking your chin in his hand.

Blushing, you stammered, "Uh-um, I- maybe? I dunno...."

"Well, count me in! If Y/n's goin', I'm goin' too." Mammon slid his arm around your waist, pulling you towards him away from Asmo and making you blush further.

"Why don't we go to the lake nearby? It's warm enough to swim right now." Satan suggested.

Beel's eyes lit up. "The one in the forest?!"

"What makes you so excited about that, Beel?" Levi asked.

"Black hellberriiiieeeees. There are wild ones growing all around the lake," Beel hummed.

"Well, my otaku self wasn't mentally prepared for this. I don't know if I'll go..." Levi looked a bit disappointed.

"Pretty, pretty please Levi? Come with us! I think it would be fun for us all to be there. We can play the new RPG tomorrow." You really didn't want him to feel left out. He struggled with thinking he belonged in social situations. "Bring your handheld. We can play 1v1 there! Pleeease?"

This seemed to be a good compromise for Levi, who nodded with a smile.

"Awesome! So that's everyone, right? You'll all come?" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Everyone be here in 10 minutes. I want to go sooner than later," Lucifer demanded.

"Yep!" You started excitedly walking towards your room.

"Yo, Y/n! Wait up!" Mammon came to your side. "What's got ya all excited?"

"Swimming!! I haven't been to a natural body of water since I arrived here. I didn't even know there was one so close to us. Plus being outside with everyone and watching the meteors later." You took Mammon's hand in yours.

Mammon smiled at your enthusiasm. "Good, it should be pretty fun. It's been a while since I last went there, but its a nice spot to hang out."

You reached your room, and he followed you in. Once the door was closed, you turned around to kiss him. He was a bit shocked from the suddenness of it. "What was that for?"

"For being so damn cute. Plus..." You kissed him again. "...I haven't kissed you all day. I needed one."

Mammon hugged you, becoming a flustered, blushing mess from loving how much attention you showered him with when alone. "S-so... you have a, uh... somethin' to wear in the water?"

You giggled at his nervousness from asking the question. "Yes, Mammoney. It's in a bag in the bottom drawer over there. If you can actually get it for me, that would help me out. I'll grab a change of clothes real quick." You walked into your closet, trying to decide what to wear over your swimsuit for walking to the lake.

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