💛🌟🌸🐏 Eternity 🐏🌸🌟💛

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During the weeks of your winter break following the final performances of Simeon's play, Mammon started acting increasingly jumpy and strange. It was like him to have a bit of mood swings every now and then, but this seemed maybe a little more dramatic than usual.

Eventually, you decided to confront him about it while alone with him in your room. "Hey, Mammoney... Is everything okay?" you asked, consoling him with lightly rubbing your hand on his back.

"Y-y-yeah, I-I'm fine... Ya know me, b-better than ever, really...." His cheeks burned brightly while he looked away momentarily before directing his attention back to you. "H-hey, you... uh, ya wanna get outta here for a bit?"

Still confused at his skittish behavior, you agreed with a smile. Maybe getting out of the house would do you both some good. After you agreed, he dragged your blanket off your bed and bundled it up to carry in his arm. Slightly lost for words, you held onto his hand as he led you out the house.

To your surprise, he took a sharp turn towards the forest near the House of Lamentation. He grabbed your hand tighter as he started walking faster, then jogging, then full on running. "W-wait! Mammon, slow down a sec!"

Seconds later, Mammon slowed down, and you saw exactly what his destination was. You could have guessed, but before you now was the lake you went to with all the brothers long ago. Even though it was still a bit in the distance, you could see the lake's signature glowing rocks from where you were.

Mammon was walking once again, and you looked up at him trying to figure out what the hell was going on through his mind. "Mammoney, what-"

"We're almost there," he mumbled quietly before turning to look at you, his soft smile melting your heart.

You nodded and remained quiet while going through the edge of the tree line out into the open area surrounding the lake, glowing rocks scattered throughout the sand. Mammon shook your blanket out to make it flat, spreading it methodically on the ground. He made sure it looked perfect before taking your hand and encouraging you to sit next to him.

Once you cuddled up next to him, he wrapped his arm around you while you both looked out at the lake water, listening to the tiny waves gently lapping at the shore line. You could feel he was gently shaking , so you wrapped your arms around him and gave him calming back rubs. Eventually, this helped calm him down from whatever was swimming through his mind.

After what felt like a long time, Mammon broke the silence. "S-so... I, uh... I really wanted to wait until it was warmer outside since it's too cold to go in the water right now.... I- I wanted to take ya to our spot over there," Mammon said while pointing to the other side of the shore line. "Y-ya, know, where I confessed all my feelings to ya.... Y-you remember that, r-right?"

"Yes, how could I forget?" you gently giggled. You pulled back a bit from his embrace and looked in his eyes.

"Y-yeah," Mammon awkwardly laughed. "I, uhhh... th-that day was awesome."

"It was," you contentedly sighed, taking his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together. Mammon stared at your hand in his, his lips pressed tightly together as he gently started shivering again. "Mammon, are you cold? Are you okay? You can wear my jacket if you-"

Mammon looked directly into your eyes, his cheeks flushed with a deep pink rouge. "I love ya, Y/n," he blurted out, his eyes widening. "I- I don't know how well ya remember that day and what I said to ya... B-but, I remember I said I can't imagine my life without ya. Remember that?"

You gently nodded your head, butterflies making your stomach beautifully uneasy.

"W-well, I meant it then, and I- I mean it even more now. After what that guy did to ya at that ski place, I can't wait anymore. I just have to tell ya all this now." Mammon said while looking into your eyes as if he wanted desperately for you to complete his thoughts for him. When you looked up at him silently with your eyes wide and innocent, he groaned and let out a huge breath.

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