😈✨ Lucifer's Game ✨😈

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While enjoying your drink on the balcony, you noticed Levi pull out his travel console and sat in one of the plush lounge chairs. You sat on it next to him, catching him by surprise.

"H-hey," he said rather shyly.

"Are you about to play a game?" you asked him.

"Yeah, I just need a break from socializing," Levi sighed.

"Oh!" You braced yourself to stand back up. "Should I leave you alone then?"

"What? N-no! You, uh.. S-stay with me," he replied while starting up an RPG. "I'm just not used to being around so many people or so many places in one day. The most people I usually see in a day are at class, but I swear I saw more people today than I would at an anime convention."

"Yeah, you're probably right," you giggled. "Those places were packed."

Levi smiled after hearing your cute laugh, then continued talking. "I just don't know how you do it. Like... you handle being around people so well, but you also prefer to be with less people like I do."

"Are you worried about not being able to handle being around so many people?" You asked while watching him complete the in-game quests.

"Maybe... I think it's more like, um.. I dunno, I think I'm just jealous that people can do that," Levi said quietly.

"Yeah, and you know what?"

"What?" Levi asked.

"You just had a whole conversation with me without even looking at me, not even stopping really to form your answers," you said confidently.

Levi paused his game and looked at you, his face incredibly rosy. "S-s-sorry, Y/n!! I- I should have been paying more attention to you!!"

"No, no, no!" you replied while trying not to laugh. "No, please go back to your game. That's not what I meant at all! I'm just saying.. you were paying plenty of attention to me, all while focusing on your game at the same time."

"Oh! Uhhh... S-so I should play then?" Levi asked, clearly confused at where you were going with this.

"Levi!" you giggled. "If you want to play, please do. I like watching you anyway." You saw his cheeks blush further after you said this, making you smile. "I'm just saying a lot of people couldn't play a game, much less an RPG, while holding a conversation with someone at the same time. Sooo, just like how you aren't necessarily good at handling crowded, social situations, a lot of people aren't good at what you do."

Levi blushed at your compliment. "Wooah, you.. you really think that?"

"Yeah, of course. I know that," you replied reassuringly. "I mean, do you really think anyone you know irl could hold a conversation as well as you do while playing a game?"

"Maybe not, but... that's just something that could be learned," he sighed.

"Well, so is dealing with being around people. It just takes practice. It's easier for some than others, just like gaming," you said before taking a sip of your drink.

Levi nodded his head in agreement. "I see. So you practiced?"

"Yeah. I just focus on who I'm with instead of the random people I don't know around me. Like remember the bake sale a while back?"

"Y-y-yeah," Levi replied with a somewhat flustered expression.

"I know you were at home for that, but there were a lot of people who showed up to our both. I was really nervous at first, especially since.. well, you know.. You made me look super cute." You giggled, making Levi blush even more. "But once I focused on the fact I had your brothers with me and even Lord Diavolo at one point, I was much more relaxed. I guess I find comfort in knowing I'm not alone."

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