🖤💛🌸 A Call from Him 🌸💛🖤

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You woke up in Mammon's room, cozy in his bed. You felt as though you'd been asleep a while, but you were still so tired. You opened your eyes to see Mammon sitting on the corner of the bed while facing you with a notebook in his lap. "How long did I sleep?" you asked groggily.

"Too long, cute stuff," Mammon laughed. You smiled and stretched while sitting up, still feeling completely sore. "Wait, wait! No, don't move! Ahh, man. You were in such a good position."

"Uhh.. good position for what?" you asked.

Mammon turned around his notebook for you to see. He had been drawing you while you were sleeping. "Been workin' on this since we got back."


He smiled at your strong reaction and handed you the notebook for you to get a closer look.

You could tell how much effort he put into it. "This is amazing, Mammon!" Every line, the shading, the attention to detail, it was all immaculate. You wondered if demons had a natural artistic ability, what with their sensitivities to things humans weren't aware of.

He laid down next to you and nuzzled his head onto your shoulder while you were both sitting upright. "Tell me how amazing I am," he said quietly.

Normally you might tease him for saying something like that, but you knew how much he loved getting compliments from you. And truly, you loved giving compliments to him just as much. You played with his fluffy, white hair while talking to him. "To be honest, I think you're a lot more brilliant than you let people see. And I'm damn proud of you expressing that side of yourself more these days."

Mammon wrapped his arm around your waist and moved even closer to you. "Tell me mooore, Y/n."

He really was adorable when he was greedy for your affection and praise. You smiled and continued speaking. "You're so talented at everything you do, and this is just more proof of that. It looks straight up professional, like someone with years of experience drew it. You could actually make money selling art, you know."

"Nahh, I ain't doin' this for money," Mammon said dismissively. "I mean, I'll consider it, but... nah, there's way easier ways to make some quick cash," he laughed.

"That's fine," you giggled. "All I'm saying is you're that good already. Plus, I really love how I can see your personality and style in your drawings. It's really fitting."

Mammon looked up at you with an affectionate smile. "Really? You think I'm that skilled?"

"Yes, dummy. That should be a given." You smiled before kissing him, gently caressing his face in the palm of your hand.

Mammon moved on top of you to kiss you deeply. He pressed himself against you completely, provoking you to wrap your arms around him. You winced from the pain of how sore your body was from earlier.

"You okay, Y/n?" You could hear the level of concern in Mammon's voice.

"Yeah, my shoulders are just sore as hell," you sighed. "Do you have any more of that massage oil? If you could help me put some on, that'd be amazing."

Mammon leapt off the bed. "I'm on it!" He quickly returned with the oil and a towel. He took his notebook from you and tossed it to the side before placing the towel down next to you.

"Mammon, you really don't have to go all in with this. I just wanted to have some on my skin," you said meekly.

"Shaddup and lay down, human," he replied with a smile.

"Yes sir," you said playfully.

"H-hey, don't say that or I'll get all excited again," Mammon said while blushing.

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