😈⚡🐏 Playful 🐏⚡😈

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Sure enough, you found Levi had set up his console in the common room. He, Belphie, Lucifer, and Mammon were all playing Smash Devils, battling each other to the death in the game. Naturally, Levi was winning, but he wasn't going too hard on them. He was always courteous at first while gaming with others until things got more heated.

"Y/n, you're back!" Beel smiled at you and motioned for you to sit by him.

You were hesitant since Lucifer was on the other side of him, but you decided to anyway. You lightly flicked Mammon's head as you passed him.

"Oi, human, don't mess with me. THE Mammon is about to win this," he smirked.

"Oh, really?" Levi went over to his character and nearly instantly did enough damage to take one of his lives. "Bahahaha! Get rekt son!!"

"Tch, ya think that'll stop me?" Mammon said with a still-confident smirk.

You took your seat by Beel, cuddling up next to him. "So what did you end up getting from the bookstore?" he asked.

You tried to cover for yourself since Mammon was there. "Oh, nothing too important." In this moment, you couldn't control yourself from being ultra affectionate to Beel. You just wanted affection in the form of... pets?

I can't just ask him to pet me, wtf...

Beel blushed as you linked arms with him, nuzzling into his arm. "Y/n," he said softly.

"Sorry Beel, I know it's weird. It's like... one of those cat things, you know?" you sighed. "I can stop if you want me to."

He smiled at you, still with tinted cheeks. "No, it's fine." He wrapped his arm around you and 'pet' you over your hair and cat ears. Beel's body was unbelievably cozy and warm, perfect for cuddling up against.

As you leaned into him, you caught a glimpse of Lucifer looking jealously over at you. You didn't let it get to you and instead focused on the game.

After a few more rounds, Belphie grew tired and didn't want to play anymore. "Y/n, you want to try?"

"Yeah, sure." You walked over to take his controller and sat back by Beel. You picked your favorite character and started the game. You quickly realized you could hyper focus in on every movement of everyone's characters. At first, you mostly stayed out of the way and watched the other three.

Yep, this is definitely different.

It was much easier to react more quickly than you normally would. It was nearly effortless for you to make the exact right movements at the right time. It was also nice playing with the three of them. They wouldn't verbally fight with you like they did with one another. All three would give you compliments here and there on your moves and vice versa.

Soon enough, you and Levi had destroyed both Mammon and Lucifer. "It's just us, Y/n," Levi said challenging you.

"Let's goooo!" You had lower health than Levi, but you were determined to give it your all. You each had two lives, and soon enough, you took one of Levi's.

"Alright, Y/n, I'm not holding back at all anymore. Bring me your worst!"

You did exactly that. After another few minutes, you knocked off his last life, officially making you the only person to beat him in Smash Devils.

"You- you actually beat me!" Levi looked absolutely awestruck.

The brothers definitely made a huge deal out of it as well.

Mammon: That's my girrrll!!

Satan: Nice job, Y/n!

Asmo: Congrats, you're a bigger nerd than Levi now~!

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