❤️🐏 The Life of a Demon 🐏❤️

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As you and the brothers made your way through the woods back to the House of Lamentation, there was hardly any moonlight showing through the dense treetop. You normally would never go in woods like this alone at night, but you felt completely safe having seven demons looking after you. You and Beel took the spot in the back of the group.

Beel's hands beneath you reminded you he was the one who escalated things from just involving you and Levi to involving everyone. The thought made your face become incredibly hot. You buried it into Beel's chest, trying to hide your embarrassed expression.

"What are you thinking about, Y/n?"

You noticed he began to put a little more distance between the two of you and the others.

"N-nothing!" Your face grew hotter, almost ashamed of your thoughts.

He laughed lightly. "You know, Y/n, you don't have to hide from me."

"Yeah... I know, Beel."

"So, are you going to tell me?" he asked patiently. You remained silent, causing him to sigh. "I have a pretty good guess of what it is. It's what happened earlier, isn't it?" he whispered.

"M- mhmm."

"See, Y/n? That wasn't so hard," he said sweetly.

You smiled at the gentle demon carrying you.

"Just so you know, I have done stuff like that in the past. I mean, not with my brothers. Never with my brothers there. I've just been with, I don't know... maybe one or two people before. Not a lot."

"How is it that you're thousands of years old and that's the case? Like, most humans start that kind of stuff really young. Like... sometimes too young, in my opinion. They'll go straight from being a kid to having sex before they're even old enough to drive. But yeah, I'm getting sidetracked. You're thousands of years old and super... attractive. How is it you've only been with one or two people before?"

Beel laughed. "Well, because we live much longer, most of us are not in such a rush like humans. You have such a short lifespan and have much less time to reproduce, much less have time to even, um, enjoy... that. So basically, think of our lives as a stretched out version of yours. We just have more time for that, I guess. It's not such a priority."

"Hmm, okay that makes sense."

"Especially with me. I have practically no interest in that kind of stuff. Pretty much all my energy is focused on eating and working out," he laughed. "But with you, Y/n, it's different..."

"O-oh... How so?"

Beel sighed before continuing. "You just... I'm so hungry for you, Y/n. It's a really intense feeling that I don't entirely understand. And what just happened felt completely different from when I did stuff like that with other people.... I can't say I won't crave more of you, Y/n."

You could faintly make out the pink color on his cheeks in the little bit of moonlight shining through the dense treetops. You murmured his name, not exactly sure of what to say.

"You've always been so nice to me, ever since we met. I feel like I've always known you. I just want to make you happy. I feel sort of remorseful for... causing all that to happen earlier. My guard was just down from the wine, and you really looked so amazing... I just wanted you to feel what I feel for you. And then I found myself longing for a taste of you... I hope you're okay with that. I hope I didn't go too far."

You smiled up at him. "Please don't be remorseful. It was incredible. From the very start, I could tell by your touch that you were letting feelings out that you normally held back. It's really flattering."

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