😈⚡ The Brother's Love ⚡😈

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After your voice trailed off and your eyes shut, Mammon looked at you with wide eyes. He brushed the hair away from your face. "You need to what, Y/n?" When you didn't respond, he steadily became frantic. "Y/n... you need to what??" He squeezed your hand and nudged you, trying to get you to respond. "Y/n! Hey, Y/n!! Y/N, ANSWER ME!!!" Tears formed in Mammon's eyes as your body remained motionless. "No, please, please, please, please," he muttered while trying to get your body to respond. He scooped you up in his arms trying repeatedly to wake you up.

Without letting go of you, Mammon reached over to the bedside table for his D.D.D. He fumbled through his contacts to call each brother individually. He became increasingly anxious as they didn't answer. "Shit!!" Mammon screamed out in anguish.

Not being able to think clearly or even knowing what to do, he messaged them all in a group chat. His message read, "THIS IS A LITERAL EMERGENCY. Y/N IS PASSED OUT, I CAN'T GET HER TO WAKE UP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!!"

He held your unconscious body tightly to him, trying to figure out an alternative plan. His tear soaked eyes made it incredibly difficult to see anything. Still, he managed to get his pants on and wrap a sheet around you, all while never letting you go. He grabbed his phone and wallet, unsure of where to even take you in the human world. He knew he had to do something though.

Just as Mammon was about to leave the bedroom, there was a pounding knock at the door. He sprinted down the stairs while holding you securely to him.

After using his spare key to your room, Lucifer burst through the door, clearly distressed but still collected. "What is it, Mammon? What is happening?"

"It's Y/n, she- she's breathing, but she's not responding," Mammon stammered. "I- I don't know what happened, she was fine, and- and then..... Please, Lucifer, please help me! W-we have to get her help!" He was nearly hyperventilating. He had no idea how the human world operated when it came to medical attention.

Lucifer placed his hand on Mammon's shoulder. "Satan's on the phone as we speak, and someone is on the way to see her."

"We have to wait?!??!" Mammon screeched. "There's no time!!! We need to leave NOW!"

"I've already looked, the closest hospital would take us 20 minutes to get to. Trust me, Mammon, waiting here is the best option for now," Lucifer replied. He looked at you with pain in his eyes, unable to do anything else for you.

Mammon kneeled with you still in his arms. He sobbed and held you while waiting, repeating, "Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay." One by one, the brothers soon filtered in and were crowded around you, internally pleading for you to wake.

After just a couple minutes, a team of paramedics arrived. Mammon refused to let go of you completely, holding your hand while they examined you as they placed you gently on the ground. After conducting a series of tests, they concluded your body was in shock from having extremely low blood pressure, causing you to lose consciousness. They gave you fluids through an IV and a shot to raise your blood pressure back up, which slowly brought you back to consciousness throughout the next fifteen minutes.

Your hearing came back before you could open your eyes. You thought you were in a dream. You slowly opened your eyes and were completely unaware of what was going on. You freaked out when you saw three total strangers above you. "Wh-who are you?!!! Where am I?!!"

You noticed someone squeezing your hand and sobbing. You looked over and saw Mammon kneeling down with puffy, red eyes. "Y/n!" He made eye contact with you for the first time in what felt like a torturous eternity. The paramedics prevented him from getting in the way, so he still stayed off to the side holding your hand harder.

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