💛⚡ Searching ⚡💛

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Lucifer led you to his car. Well, his two cars, actually. Both were high end luxury cars, but the main difference between the two was how many people they sat. One was similar to a standard sedan, seating five people, while the other one sat two.

You'd actually never been in a car since being in Devildom, since pretty much everything you needed was walking distance from the House of Lamentation.

You'd also never seen Lucifer's two-seat car up close before. It looked vintage but a bit modern as well. It was all black, including the interior. It was perfectly buffed and clean on the outside. You had to admit, he had some swag.

He opened the door for you, holding your hand to help you get seated. It dawned on you that nobody had done this for you in the past. "Thanks, Luci."

Lucifer smiled, closing the door behind you. He then took his seat and began to drive.

Despite you still being upset with him, you certainly felt safe to have him driving you. You gestured towards the drink Beel gave you. "Mind if I drink this?"

"Sure. Thank you for asking."

You happily tilted the can of cold brew upside down and back once, then popped the top. The whooshing sound the nitrogen made when you opened it was incredibly nostalgic. You took a long drink from the can. Memories of the human world flashed by quickly, making you a little somber. However, you knew Devildom was where you were meant to be at the moment.

Lucifer's voice snapped you out of your daydream. "I know you must be tired, Y/n." He rested his hand on your thigh.

Ignoring his hand, you laughed. "I suppose I am." You took another swig of the cold drink, soothing your body on the way down. "But I should be fine with this."

Lucifer gently rubbed your thigh with his thumb. You truly didn't care at the moment and had no reaction. You were worried about Mammon. You knew his emotions could get way out of hand and irrational if left to his own devices for too long.

You left your D.D.D. in your room assuming you'd be able to get it after breakfast, so messaging him wasn't a possibility. You were anxious wondering how he was doing and admittedly nervous about the event. "Say, um.. What is the Demon King like?"

Lucifer removed his hand from your thigh.

Thank the freakin' gods.

"I've only had the pleasure of meeting him once. However, he is nothing like Diavolo."

"So, not so joyous and compassionate?"

"You're right. Although, don't underestimate Diavolo's power. He is the most powerful person in all of Devildom. He is not lenient with the way he rules over Devildom. Many demons are terrified to be in his presence." Lucifer paused for a moment. "But in contrast, the Demon King's demeanor is much more overshadowing. Not only does he show no mercy, his disciplinary style goes beyond the threshold of what is necessary."

"Sooo, kind of like you then?"

Laughing, Lucifer replied, "No, Y/n. Nothing like me. The Demon King is very apathetic towards the needs of others and lacks empathy. He wasn't always that way, but he has experienced tremendous pain in his past. Now he chooses to take that out on others." Lucifer sighed. "To be honest, sometimes I question how Diavolo turned out to be so jovial."

You were silent, contemplating the information Lucifer gave you.

"Don't worry though, Y/n. He doesn't hate humans. He just doesn't care about them, along with just about everything else."

You gave a nervous laugh, unsure of where the day would take you.


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