💛🌸 Prankster 🌸💛

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You let yourself into Mammon's room and silently latched the door behind you. You snuck up his stairs and laid flat on the upper floor above his bed. You were far back enough to where you thought he wouldn't notice you, but close enough to be able to peer over and see downstairs. You made sure your D.D.D. was on silent and played a game while waiting for Mammon to be done.

Right when you heard the shower turn off, you set you plan into place.

You took a picture of yourself laying on your back. You were wearing Mammon's deep-V shirt and your favorite thigh highs with cat ears and a face at the top. You posed in a slightly seductive way, but nothing over the top.

Once you had the picture taken, you sent the following messages:

"I hear Satan and Lucifer squabbling about something down the hallway.

I'm just going to wait it out before I come back to your place."

You waited for him to check his D.D.D., hoping your plan would go the way you wanted. The plan was to make him think you were in your room while also making sure he stayed in his. Then you wanted to scare him by making some sort of sound up where you were. You just couldn't help yourself from scaring him. It was too easy, and his reactions were too adorable.

"I swear, always with those two," Mammon murmured as he read the messages. You heard him sit on his bed as you saw the three dots on your phone showing he was typing to you, until the message came through: "Want me to come over there and stop 'em?"

You smiled knowing your plan was working.

After the final text, you attached the picture you took of yourself in Mammon's shirt and waited for his response

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After the final text, you attached the picture you took of yourself in Mammon's shirt and waited for his response.

"Holy shit," Mammon audibly gasped.

You smiled, hoping he didn't notice the floor you were laying on in the pic was his rug upstairs. You watched for the icon in the chat to show him typing, but it didn't appear.

Starting to think he was onto you, you rolled over onto your stomach, trying to be as quiet as possible, then slowly brought yourself to your hands and knees. You were getting antsy wondering if he was going to do a surprise sneak attack on you. You stretched forward and were just about to look over the edge of the banister, when suddenly you froze. You just heard what you thought was Mammon saying your name. Not sure if you were just hearing things, you stayed perfectly still.

"Y/n," you heard spoken softly.

Definitely not hearing things. Is he trying to scare me?

You mustered up the courage to lean forward enough to look down.

Holy. Shit.

You immediately moved back with your hand covering your mouth, remaining quiet. Mammon was touching himself while looking at the photo you just sent him.

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