💛🌟🌸⚡ With Mammon ⚡🌸🌟💛

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You looked around your hotel suite and found Mammon upstairs sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. You gently sat down next to him and rubbed his back, not saying anything. He was clearly upset, and you wanted to give him time to process what he was going through.

After a few minutes of silence, Mammon wrapped his arms around you. You could feel tears hitting your shoulder as you embraced. His tears escalated into full on crying, which completely broke your heart to hear. You didn't know what was going through his mind, but you knew he needed you in this moment. You patiently waited, holding him tightly through his tears.

A few more minutes passed, then Mammon spoke to you. "I didn't want that, Y/n. I don't know why Asmo did that...."

"He was drunk and clearly not in his right mind, Mammon. But even still, that's not an excuse. It wasn't cool to keep pushing after you said no. That's never okay, and I'm sorry he tried to be so forceful." You continued stroking his back.

"It's just... I'm upset, because I don't want to be with someone else, ever. Ever. I have no sexual interest in anyone besides you. That girl and guy were attractive, but... they're not you, Y/n. I feel like Asmo would have a hard time understanding that," Mammon said with tears streaming lightly down his face.

You blushed hearing such a loving statement come from Mammon. "Maybe he would have a hard time understanding. But, that doesn't make your feelings any less valid. It's okay to feel that way, and I'm sorry you were being pressured into doing something you weren't comfortable with. And, if it means anything, I don't think that's something he'd normally do. You know how easy going he is."

"Th-thanks." Mammon looked up at you, his face pink from crying. You smiled and wiped the tears away from his cheeks. He murmured your name one again quietly, looking into your eyes.

"Yeah, Mammon?" you asked softly, gazing at the perfect demon in front of you.

"I mean it. I can't look at anyone the way I do with you. You're the only one I desire, Y/n." Mammon examined your face, taking in every feature that he loves about you. He tucked your hair back by smoothly sliding his fingers through, keeping his hand gently against your head. He then slowly moved closer to your face. Just before his lips were about to meet yours, he whispered, "I love you, Y/n."

Mammon's lips met yours, making your heart flutter uncontrollably. You kissed him back, in awe of how much love this demon could truly pour into your soul. You placed your hand gently on his face, unable to comprehend how lucky you were to have met him.

His hands slid down your back as he pulled you closer to him. You did the same in response, desiring to feel the closeness of him. Without even thinking, you unbuttoned Mammon's shirt as you kissed. You wanted to feel his warm body directly on your fingertips. There was no rush from either of you. You each were eager but gently taking your time, savoring every moment, every kiss, every touch, every sound.

Mammon slowly slid his shirt off once it was unbuttoned, paying much more attention to you than anything else. You moved to straddle him, gliding your hands over his chest. The feeling in your fingertips was electric as you felt his skin. You felt a stronger connection with Mammon than ever before.

His kisses felt magnificent against your body as he kissed down your neck to your chest. "I can't get enough of you, Y/n," Mammon said softly while unzipping your dress. You lifted your arms, allowing him to effortlessly slip your dress off. The two of you took a moment to appreciate each other's glowing bodies, radiating with passion for one another.

You moved your hands down his arms, tracing each curve of his muscles with your eyes. You laced your fingers with his and continued kissing him. You pushed against Mammon's body, encouraging him to lay down with you on top of him. You felt the heat radiating off his chest, pulling you into his comfort.

Crazy for YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora