💛🐏🌟 Pinky Promise 🌟🐏💛

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"The moon should be right above us right now. I know we saw it a little bit earlier tonight, but right now it'll look completely different. Have you ever seen it around midnight?"

"I don't think I have."

He smirked at your reply. "I think you're gonna like it ." He opened the door to his outside balcony.

Your eyes were immediately drawn upward, and sure enough, the moon looked much different than earlier. It was absolutely enormous. Your mouth opened in disbelief as you gazed up at it. It had an intense yet soft yellow-orange tint to it and was surrounded by what you could only describe as a bright, purplish-yellow soft glow around the edge. The glow cascaded onto the surrounding clouds speckled throughout the sky. It was unlike anything you'd ever seen in the human world.

Mammon sat you down at the edge of the pool, took off his shirt, and jumped in the deep end.

You took your thigh highs off and sat them on the ground next to you, then dangled your legs into the water, which was a perfect temperature. The water was the same beautiful shade of the purplish-yellow from the moon. It seemed to even glisten onto you as the water splashed you.

Mammon swam over to you, resting his hand on your knee. "So ya gonna get in or what?"

"What?! I don't have anything to swim in."

"Pshh, it's not like ya need it," he grinned up at you.

You'd never skinny dipped before. The thought made you a little nervous. "But.. weren't you worried about people seeing me last time we were out here?"

Mammon laughed, "Sure, but I was just bein' paranoid. I don't even think it's possible, unless someone's on the roof or somethin'. Plus we were.. doin' other stuff, and.. I was more worried 'bout people hearin' ya than anything..."

You began laughing, considering how forward he was earlier this evening in contrast from shyly he was speaking now. "'Doin' other stuff'? You telling me The Great Mammon can't even tell it like it is?"

Mammon's face flushed with color from embarrassment. While you were laughing, he retaliated by quickly pulling on the knot you'd made to hold your shirt together.

You gasped, trying to hold it together, but Mammon was too strong for you. He easily got the shirt off you entirely. This left you in only your panties as you tried to cover your exposed chest out of embarrassment. "Mammon! You're such a little shit!"

"Pfffttt, hahahaha, you sound like my freakin' brothers. Now come on! Get in!"

At this point, you wanted to, but you refused to solely in protest of his actions.

Mammon put his hands on the ground around you and pulled himself up, making himself eye level with you while his lower half was still in the pool. "Don't make me pull you in, Y/n." His eyes were shimmering with the moonlit water.

You didn't respond, instead playfully pouting and wanting to see where this would go.

"C'mon, Y/nnnnn. I know you want to." Mammon grabbed something off his wrist and held it up in front of you. "I even got ya a hair tie to keep your hair from getting wet, if.. ya know, if ya want it."

You took the hair tie, realizing by the distinct black and white pattern on it that it was yours. "What? W-where did you get this?"

Mammon blushed. "I, uh- you left it once at your desk in class, and... I held onto it."

"I've been looking for this one!" You began to put your hair up into a messy high bun. "It's actually the only one I have colored like that. How long have you had it?"

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