💙❤️⚡ Afraid ⚡❤️💙

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After hearing a knock on your door, you were surprised with a certain fiery-headed demon waiting for you. You let him in before going back over to your restroom to finish applying your makeup. "You know you don't need that, right?" Beel said while gesturing to your makeup.

This caught you off guard but made you blush. "Oh! Um, sure, I know. It's just fun, I guess? But... thank you, Beel."

"I just wanted you to know that you look really pretty with or without it," he said with his cheeks turning pink. "Anyway, I came in here to tell you breakfast is almost ready. And also, what was up with you this morning?"

"Oh, that? Sorry, I just was insanely hyper all the sudden."

The gentle laugh coming from someone with such a huge stature made your heart warm. "Yeah, you seemed like it. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. I heard Lucifer getting mad about something, then saw you running by not long after."

"Ah..." Well this is embarrassing. "Yeah, I, kind of... jumped on his back...."

Beel's eyes went wide. "You what?! Really?!?" He looked just about as excited as he got over food.

"Yeah," you giggled. "I tried to get him to run me down the hallway, but he wasn't having it. He was doing his whole 'prim and proper' act while also trying to intimidate me, and I pretty much made fun of him for his attitude. When his act didn't work, he basically had to pry me off him. Then I ran away before he could dish out any punishment to me."

Beel's eyes lit up with laughter, and the two of you laughed together about the whole situation, Beel almost at the point he couldn't breathe. "If you were anyone else, you'd probably be dead or close to it."

"It sounds absolutely ridiculous now. I can't even explain why I did it, but I'm pretty sure it's just whatever effects are taking place from this." You flicked your ears and wrapped your tail around the front of you.

Beel's face reddened beautifully beneath the subtle freckles on his cheeks. "Oh! I wasn't even thinking of that being why..."

"I'm still getting used to it," you shyly admitted. "Anyway, um.. I'm ready if you are."

Beel nodded his head, so you both left to go eat.

While eating, Lucifer coldly stared at you, though you tried your best to ignore it.

Asmo: Hey, Y/n, where's Mammon?

You: I'm not sure, really. Out doing something.

Asmo: Do you know where? He's not shopping, is he?! I told him to take me with him next time.

You: How should I know?

Lucifer: I'd say your screams last night are a good indication you'd be close enough with him to know his whereabouts.

You: *silently dies from embarrassment*

Levi: WHAT?!!!

Asmo: Ooh, what kind of screams?

You: I have n-no idea what he's talking about....

Asmo: What did she say, older brother~?

Lucifer: *casually takes sip of coffee* Something about being a bad kitty.

Levi: B-b-bad.. kitty??

Asmo: Oh my~!

You: *soul leaves body from embarrassment*

Satan: *face couldn't possibly be any more red* Lucifer, it's pretty childish for you to expose her like that.

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