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Abhik and Charan followed Yuvan closely . After the conference he straightly went to his mansion;  The white pearl. He was staring at the white rose for a long time in his reading room. The atmosphere was too quite for Abhik.

"bruddah (meaning brother in slang), you have been staring at it for almost half an hour. And actually what does this white rose mean. I just know it's a symbol of cobras. Does it have any other meaning? "

Yuvan smiled at him something he is good at; to ease the situation.

"Charan, what do you know about it?"

"Little prince, Actually white flowers represent Serpents. White rose symbolizing cobras and White chrysanthemum for pythons. Finally white Lilly symbolizing the serpent Queen. Usually if they are involved in any activity they will leave one or two petal of their respective flowers accordingly. But.."

Charan stopped and looked at Yuvan.

"But if they have left a whole flower that means they are in the game seriously and won't leave until the end." Yuvan completed from where Charan paused.

"bruddah, then why didn't you report it instead you hided it."

"Abhik, by sending this what they actually mean is a warning; that they are after us. If we plan something they won't sit still. No need for a fuss."

"Cobras are cobras. They can actually sent such a threat simply by a flower; they live up to their notoriety."

After her breakfast she buckled up and went straight to the imperial palace. She was in her armor and decided to go back to the headquarters after the meeting. She was informed on her way that the king is waiting for her in his reading chamber. The reading chamber was a big collection of books and had a garden attached to it. She went inside and no one was there. Jiva all of a sudden caught her hand.

"Jiva .."

"Let's go inside. Father is preparing tea for you."

They went inside but Jiva was wrong. It was not tea but a feast.

"Amu you, you..

are you fine" He suddenly hugged her tightly in teary eyes. But her armor made it look a little hilarious.

"Dad, what happened? why are you crying?"

"I am missing you dear." He looked nowhere like a king but a small puppy missing his owner.

"Dad this is absolute partiality. When I visited you, you only provided me tea and even prohibits me from bringing any food. When asked you will say: this is a reading room not your dinning room."

"That's because she is my little princess."

"Oh.. Dad I admit my defeat."

"Amanya, Jiva let's eat first."

They dined there and both of them was simply looking at her and feeding her. To say, they chocked her with food.

"Dad are you feeding pigs?"

"Amu, Dad misses you."

"But dad didn't we met yesterday?"

"What I miss is my Amu not Hiranga's commander Amanya.

Hey why don't you stay in the palace for some days."

"Dad I have some pending works."

"What if it's an order.?"

" Majesty..

Ok I promise I will stay after the Decade conference."

"Ok. It's a deal then."

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