Vol 1 Chapter 9.2

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The start

In front of me in the last obstacle for this month, I slowly take step after step up the stairs as I stuff my phone into my pocket.

One step at a time, I slowly move towards the final boss of the month. The only sound that could be heard were my shoes hitting themselves against the floor of the stairs as I walk up them. My future, it all depends on what answer she gives me.

If it isn't the answer I'm looking for, I won't be able to shake off this feeling of mine. Humans may evolve and change over time, but answers and confessions will always remain the same. I've come to understand that over the past two years, I've evolved from my old naive self in just two years.

Human evolution is frightening, one second you'll see your friend in their normal personality, the next they become some weird ass playboy. Humans can evolve but we rarely ever reflect on our actions, that's a defect most of us share.

I gulp as I stand in front of the door. A sign labeled 'Do not enter' is hanging from the door. It's likely directed more towards students than staff members, I always wondered why this sign was even here though. The rooftop of the school is a place like any other from what I've heard, if you were to come up here you might just want some alone time.

I turn around to make sure no one's following me before taking a sigh and taking one last courageous step forwards to open the door.

There a ray of morning light greets me as the final boss of the month stands there. I shrug and head on in but made sure to distance myself from the person in front of me.

The rooftop if a beautiful spot so far, aside from the smell of cigarettes you could see the entire campus from up here. Truly a wonderful sight. However now isn't the time for admirations, now is the time for a confrontation of sorts.

"Sugihara, class is going to start soon."

"I'm well aware, Chabashira-sensei. We still have some time before that so I wanted to ask you a little something."

"A question? Is that why you ran after me?" She seemed to have noticed my presence a few moments ago.

She's a sharp one. However she's nothing more than a teacher, all of them are the same. They hold up a wall for you to break down, after that you'll discover all their secrets and you could even use said secrets to break them. It's always the same outcome, teachers fall down to me but she's a special one. I just can't put my finger on it.

"We all know all men are not created equal, however we still live through everyday life as such even knowing about this fact. My question here for you sensei, why do you think people just walk by those who are in need?"

"Such a sudden topic. What do you have to gain from it?"

I don't answer her, I keep my lips shut as much as possible only yearning for the answers I'm searching for. Eventually she turns her back to the side as she looks at me with her left eye while lighting a cigarette.

So the person that's smoking up here is her. Bold but understandable, being a teacher must be stressful especially if you have to deal with incompetent students nearly every single day.

"Not going to answer? Fine then, I'll indulge your curiosity. I agree with your statement that men are not created equal, comparing a normal human to a disabled person is impossible. However your question peaked my interest, perhaps it's out of... convenience?"

"Convenience huh? Gotta say, I basically suspected as much. Despite that I'm rather happy with your answer sensei! Not many people could answer that. Certainly it's easier to ignore the needy when you have other stuff to do, but how do you think this effects our society?"

"How it effects society? Well such demeanor has completely corrupted the very existence of society. I'm impressed with you personally, you've never shown signs of standing down even when you're at your weakest. Since you've asked a few questions, may I ask some in return?"

It's only fair if I let her ask. My questions were heavy, he's y enough for normal people not to answer. The last time someone tried to answer them, they somehow fell into the pit of despair. They went insane for a full month but everything went back to normal after that month.

Still I was scolded really hard by my original teacher, I didn't listen to what he said because it was all useless trivia.

"What is your goal? Why have you gone so far to help this defective class of yours?" She opens her mouth and that's the first thing that comes out.

I can tell she's had suspicions for awhile now. I didn't want to talk about it for awhile but it was inevitable, someone was going to ask this damn question eventually. She's a teacher, one I respect at that, it's only fair I give her a real answer for once.

"A promise. I know that sounds lame and is basically a troupe but hear me out. That cigarette you're smokin' there, it threw my mind back to two years ago." I work at her, hearing footsteps coming up the stairs as I explained everything to Chabashira-sensei.

"A promise? What kind of promise might I ask?"

" 'Become someone remembered by everyone' Those were the words I've kept in my heart. Those simple words impacted my life I tell you, it makes me chuckle in a way. Take what I'm doing with this class as 'being remembered by everyone' as it were."

I answer Chabashira-sensei to which she nods to herself, seemingly coming to some sort of conclusion with herself as she sends a glance towards the person hiding behind the door.

I scratch the back of my head as I too turn to look who it is. Who turned up shocked me to my very core.

"Ayanokouji...? What are you doing up here?" Ayanokouji is standing  behind the door, I can see that brown hair of his on the corners so it's easy to tell who it is.

"I wanted to ask Chabashira-sensei something's you can stay if you like Sugihara." He comes out from behind the door and walks towards me.

I chuckled before shoving my hands into my pockets and slowly start to walk back to class.

"You aren't staying?" Chabashira-sensei asks me as I begin to leave.

"Yeah, no point in me staying anyway. The smoke from that cigarette of yours is bringing back some memories I'd rather not have right now. I'll be waiting for you back in class Ayanokouji." I say as I close the door behind me while descending down the stairs with a satisfied grin.

Everything went as I would have hoped if not better, I could not have been more satisfied with the outcome. Judging from sensei's expression from my question, she knew what I was getting at earlier.

This school has the power to investigate your background even all the way to s few years back. The question I presented to her wasn't something I made on a whim, it was something I was once asked about before as well.

Today was great, I got to confirm a great number of things and what's better I finally got something off my chest. Maybe I visit that rooftop more often, it reminds me of what happened two years ago....

"Now that's covered...mind telling me why you were spying on us?" As I descend to the last set of stairs, I turn the corner and spot Kaneko Masako.

I didn't realize it sooner before but she's wearing a black and red hoodie around her school uniform, I doubt she's wearing a blazer at all unless she found a short sleeve version.

"Nothing of your concern. Want to hear back together? Seeing as we're going the same route." She has her hoodie down and is scrolling through her phone for something.

"Sure, I haven't had an opportunity to speak with you anyway!" She lets out an exhausted sigh but let out a sort of smile before leading the way with her hands in her jacket's pockets.

I say sort of smile because I don't know if that registers as a smile but it's close enough to one. So this is how the second smartest in this class in huh? An interesting girl that's for sure....

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