Vol 2 Chapter 1.2

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Tumultuous Trouble

Once lunchtime came about, everyone within the class went eat. Most of them went to the cafeteria to either stay there to have their lunch of buy food from there to eat back in class such as sandwiches and such.

As for me, although I was invited by one of my classmates to enjoy a wonderful lunch with her friends, I declined as I had some pressing business. Really I just bought a few onigiris from the cafeteria before swiftly going up the stairs to the rooftop.

Generally students are prohibited from entering the roof but as long as you can sneak past the security cameras, the trip to the roof is basically free. Besides most of the time I see teachers coming up here anyway so who's to say a student can't? No one's gonna give me orders, so I might as well put that to my advantage.

For normal circumstances, I would probably rarely ever come to the roof but this is a special occasion. Special occasions need to be met, that's the rule of this world and if you don't follow it then you'll be missing out on a life long time decision. As for my reason to come up to the rooftop? Blame this delinquent girl who is biting into a sandwich in front of me.

"You really like that huh? But are you really gonna be full after a few sandwiches, Kaneko?"

"You're eating the same amount as me, I don't see a reason where you should talk about my appetite like this. Also feel free to give me a nickname, I've already considered us to be friends and I'm not big on my family name." She says as she continues to bite into another sandwich after finishing the first one. For a small and petite girl, she can really chow down on food huh?

Also I never really noticed but yeah, we're technically close enough to give eachother nicknames based on the fact she's only talked to me the most in the class and how we can be alone like this. She doesn't seem to give a care about who she's around and looks like the type of person who would carry out and give out plans without a word, I can deduce this much from her test results. Something tells me she wasn't completely serious about the midterm too.

As for nicknames go....I gave one to Mii-chan based off my cat so I'll go with....

"How does Kane sound?" This is yet another pet name of mine I gave to my pet dog.

"Eh sure whatever. Now I'll get to the main discussion, I'll give you this photograph and tell me what you think of it." She passes me a printed photo of something within a file.

At first glance, this seems a bit strange especially since photos aren't specifically prohibited to bring into the school. However the fact she only wanted to show it to me screams that this is something important, something others and those security cameras wouldn't want to see at that.

I take a deep breath before opening the file and bringing out the photograph.

"Hmm? It's a picture of four students at the special annex building.... Is that...Sudou? What the hell is going on here?" I let out confused noises as Kane bit into her fifth sandwich of the day.

Yeah this is definitely legit, you can mostly tell when a picture is fake based on its pixels but here it's a clear, legitimate photo of four students, one of them being Sudou no less. One of them, who I presume is their leader rose his hand as if it's an attempt of assaulting Sudou....

"Strange isn't it? This was taken yesterday thanks to Sakura's camera, she was placed in the right place at the right time. I suppose you could say it's an act of god." She makes a joke about the situation while having a serious expression, not like that's basically her default face or anything. Though I suppose she doesn't have a death glare all the time.

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