Vol 3 Chapter 6.2

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The final curtains

Episode 0.1; Ghost

"We will be announcing the rankings shortly, please return to your respective classes and stand in a line."

"Ahhh! I wonder how we did...."

"Don't sweat it, with Sugihara-kun's help we must have at least gotten close to first!"

My classmates give me too much credit. It gets annoying sometimes but I frankly don't care, actually I've developed a superiority complex because of it which can either be a good thing or something that can beat me in the ass.

Taking glances at the other classes, I can tell all of them are confident. They have good reason to, all the classes did  exceedingly well and all have chances to get first place in this exam. Unfortunately the only one who'll get first is class-C, I ain't letting people steal the spotlight when I can finally laugh my ass off after trying to hide it all this time.

However I'm suspicious of something, not anything regarding the other classes but something about my own. It's only a hunch but better safe than sorry, but I didn't have the time to investigate it since the exam's over now and I only thought about it this morning so hopefully it isn't something that can effect the results. I doubt it is though.

"We followed instructions down to the letter, think we did it?"

"Fate works in mysterious ways, I wouldn't be disappointed at you guys if we don't get it. I don't care about first place, as long as we have enough points to overtake class-B, that's what I was after."

"You were waiting for this?"

"Not this in particular, Horikita. I never guessed an island survival adventure but it was pretty fun I guess."

It's more like I've been waiting for an opportunity to overtake class-B, I saw this as one and took action accordingly.

I worked my ass off and I get a reward of ascending to yet another class, the things that can happen in four months are terrifying. Sometimes fate advances too quickly for me to keep up, I usually don't care but for this occasion I'm gonna have to care.

"Are you tired? You've done a lot recently after all."

"A little, it's hard to get proper sleep in a tent full of man-sweat." I'm honestly sad I didn't put my ownership over Horikita to good use. There weren't many situations for plans were I could so I had to make due.

I look around and spot Ryuuen looking at me with a confident smirk, so the idiot really went and did it huh? Judging g by the noises from classes-A, they did the exact same as well. Predictable, I'll make sure they pay for it right now.

"Well will now announce the rankings from lowest to highest in terms of points remaining. The lowest is a tie, going to both class-D and class-A with zero points."

".....Zero.....?" I hear voices from both of the classes who got last place. Sucks to be them.

Ah shit, my grin's growing already. I've placed my hand over my mouth to cover it but I guess it's no use, I can barely hold in my laughter so might as well reveal my smile now.

"In second place is class-B, with 190 points."

A commotion breaks out with each announcement. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's about to happen in the next second, but what's shown shocks even me.

"Finally we have the first place winners, class-C with 385 points. This concludes the announcement."

"3.....385.....?" Ryuuen and class-A glare in our direction, their gazes filled with both confusion and anger.

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