I walked in to laceys room she said heyyy girl. I laughed and said heyy girl and laughed. Lacey said so what do you want to do I said bother the hell out of your brother. She got up and we snuck out of her room she knocked on her brothers door and he said come in. Me and lacey walked in he said oh hey guys whats up lacey said we coming bother you bitch and laughed. Andy said oh God this is gonna be fun I smiled and laughed and said hey Lilly and smiled and winked at me I quickly looked at lacey. She was smiling huge and I started laughing at her and so did andy. I walked over to andys bed and layed down behind him and he laughed he said yall just going to come in here and bother me. Lacey said yea we don't have a life I laughed and said yea true andy laughed and said well damn. I ran my hands through his hair and down his shoulder he turned and looked at me and bit his lip and smiled all I did was look at him and say nothing. I ran my knuckle against his jawline and he kissed my knuckle I smiled and lacey said awwwe you guys are cute. I laughed and said ohhhh hellll no I am not dating your brother and I started laughing and so did lacey. I sat up and watched andy play video games which was really funny because he kept getting mad and saying fuckkk. I still couldn't believe it was Friday it was 1 am we all couldn't sleep. I ended up falling asleep on andys bed and he carried me to laceys room and tucked me in andy kissed my forehead and told me and lacey good night and he walked out and closed the door.

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