70 bday part 2

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My dad came in my room and turned on my lights me and Andy both groaned fuckkkk dad that's bright. He laughed and said well good morning Lilly and Happy Birthday. I laughed and said thanks andy yawned and stretched. I laughed and yawned and stretched as well my dad said we are going to talk about plans downstairs I said ok sounds good. My dad walked out and closed my door I started laughing and Andy shifted his hips up and yawned I laughed and said umm ok andy laughed as well and smiled and I bit my lip and shook my head. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone andy whined and said nooo I laughed and walked out of my bedroom and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it and walked out andy was standing there and walked in after me. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch by my mom she said hi birthday girl I laughed and rolled my eyes and said hi mom andy walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to me and I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder and he put his head against my shoulder and I smiled and laughed. My dad said so what are the plans for today I sighed and said honestly I don't really know. I guess we can go to the mall even though we do that every year lmaoo. They said yea I guess we can do that I don't mind I'm off of work. Andy said I am spoiling you today and I smiled and said really he said yea of course and kissed me I said I love you andy he said I love you more Lilly and I smiled and gave him a hug and said thank you he said of course babe and kissed my shoulder. My dad said alright everyone should probably get dressed so we can all head out. I got up and used the restroom andy went after me and we both went upstairs to change I was really excited about going to the mall. Me and Andy went into my room he changed and sprayed cologne on. I put on a Kiss t-shirt and some shorts and put on some body spray and threw my hair in a ponytail and put on some vans. I used the restroom again and brushed my teeth and put on chapstick. I went into my room and grabbed my phone and purse me and Andy walked out of my room I put on my birthday sash and instantly felt embarrassed. Andy kissed me and said I love you babe I said I love you more Andy and we both smiled. Me and Andy got downstairs and my mom wanted to take pictures and I laughed we took a couple pictures then headed outside. My dad locked the front door I went in andys car because there wasn't enough room in my dads truck. Andy put in the address and we buckled up and he turned on the car and rolled down the windows and opened the sun roof and turned up the radio I smiled and shook my head. Andy started driving out of my neighborhood and I was smiling while looking out of the window the weather was extremely gorgeous today I'm happy about that. The wind felt really good against my skin Andy hit the highway and we were jamming out to music and I smiled and laughed and so did andy we had a bunch of fun on the way to the mall. Andys family was gonna met us at the mall so I was excited about that my brother and his wife couldn't take off but we were going out for dinner later so that made up for it I was super excited about that. A little while later we got to the mall and andy walked over to my side and opened my door and I got out and he closed my door. Andy wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked towards the front door of the mall my parents were close to the mall. Me and Andy walked in I told my mom we were here she said ok Andys family was already here and I smiled. We walked through Dillard's to get to the main part of the mall. Me and Andy got to the main part of the mall people started telling me Happy Birthday and I smiled and said thanks andy would laugh and kiss my head. Andys family was at the food court so we went upstairs to the food court. A couple minutes later we meet up with his family lacey and Cc were smiling and said birthday girl and I laughed and walked over to them and gave them a hug and smiled and laughed. Lacey said ayyyy my birthday bitch and I laughed and said oh God she said ayyy and gave me a hug and we all started laughing. Me and Andy sat down so we could wait for my family a little while later my family met up with us. Somehow lacey ended up sitting on my lap and we took pictures together and I posted it on Instagram and so did she. My mom was laughing and said ummm ok we all started laughing and I said honestly I don't know anymore lacey said this is my bitch and pointed towards me and I smiled and said awww yeah and we laughed. A couple minutes later we all got up and started walking along the top part of the mall. Andy had his arm glued around my waist and I smiled and said clingy much he laughed and said fuck yes and I smiled. Andy was wearing a batman hat and sunglasses which was fucking adorable. We went into Bath and body works first it smelt really good in there. They were having a but 3 get 3 free sale I was obviously excited me and lacey were like oh yea sale and laughed. The guys waited outside and us girls were in there shopping me and lacey started laughing and I gave her a hug and we just smiled and continued shopping. A little while later we walked out of Bath and Body Works I was smiling and shook my head. Andy was just standing there with his arms looking tough but also hella adorable I said hi babe and he smiled and gave me a hug and kissed me and I smiled against his lips. Andy grabbed my bag and we continued walking I went to Aeropostile and got some shorts and a couple crop tops and laughed because lacey was being funny. Lacey said honestly my ass looks great I laughed and said oh wait damn it does she said ayyy andy said hey she mine and we all laughed. We left there and walked around we ended up in Hot Topic me and Andy were in heaven we bought a couple band shirts then we went to Spencer and bought a couple more band shirts. Me and lacey went into the back andy said hey you guys come back I said hey andy he said yea babe. I grabbed some lingerie and said what do you think his eyes went wide and he stuttered and said uhh yea sure and he looked away and said ohhh fuckk and bit his thumb I smiled and said oops I think I broke your brother lacey started laughing. We all walked out and finished walking around the 2nd story then we went downstairs it was around 11am now. The guys went somewhere else andy slipped some cash in my bra and I started laughing and he kissed my cheek a bunch more people kept telling me Happy Birthday and I said thanks. All of the girls went into Pink and Victoria secret lacey helped me pick out lingerie and I laughed I also got some perfume and some other stuff I walked to the check out counter. The lady said Happy Birthday I smiled and said thanks she said how old are you I said 19 she said oh wow I laughed and said yea she said I thought you were 17 I laughed and said oh no. I got a discount for my birthday and also a free gift she said happy birthday I said thanks and walked out. Me and all the girls continued walking around for a while I checked my phone it said 12 pm I sighed. I texted andy lacey had her arm wrapped around my waist she was holding my bags. Lilly: sooo where tfff are u guys 🥺. Andy 🖤: we are at a sports store y baby u ok. Lilly: yea I just miss you lmaoo. Andy 🖤: awww lmao I miss you more babe where are you guys at. Lilly: we are just walking around random stores. Andy 🖤: cool see you soon 😏😚. A little while later I saw a music store and immediately went to it every one followed me my eyes lit up and I immediately started smiling. Me and lacey were right at home Amy started laughing and said oh no the girls are excited my mom started laughing as well. A little while later the guys met up with us andy said holy shit I was bouncing up and down andy grabbed me and kissed me to calm me down and I started laughing and so did andy. We ended up spending $200 on band shirts but they were ones I didn't have I also got some albums I was super excited and so was Andy. Lacey also bought some stuff Cc and Chris also bought a couple things. The people at the cash register said happy birthday I smiled and said thanks. I said I'm turning 19 they said oh wow you look young I said thanks and smiled they said have a good day you guys I said you too. Andy smiled as we walked out the store a little while later a couple fans stopped them but I didn't mind. A little while later we continued walking around we got pretzels and checked the time it was 1 pm my dad we should probably leave soon so we can get dinner we all said ok and started walking to Dillard's so we could leave. A little while later we got out of the mall and started walking over to the car me and Andy threw our trash away. Andy opened my door and handed me my bags and hopped in the car and locked it. Andy dropped me off at my house an hour later he kissed me and said see you later I got out and went inside. Everyone was home and getting ready we were meeting up with my brother and his wife at 4 pm. I got ready and wore a short black dress and did my hair and make-up and wore black heels I took a picture and posted it on Instagram. A little while I checked my phone it said 3 pm I used the restroom and headed downstairs everyone said damnnnnn Lilly wow I laughed and said thanks. My mom took a couple pictures Andys parents were going to meet us at my house. Andy pulled up in his own car they all got here. Lacey said damnnnnn girl could you look any fuckin hotter I laughed Amy and Chris gave me a hug and so did lacey and Cc they said you look good I said thanks and smiled. Andy showed up and he said holy fuckkk I smiled and said hey he had a dozen of red roses 🌹 and I smiled and blushed. My mom took a couple pictures of us on my phone and I posted them on Instagram andy said damn babe you look really good I smiled and said thanks and blushed Andy kissed me and I smiled against his lips and he smiled as well. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said thank you for the roses he said of course I went to the kitchen and put them in a vase and smiled. We left at 3:30 to get to the restaurant andy had a small sliver in the windows he kept looking at me and smiling the whole time. Andy said Lilly Rose Biersack you look sooo fuckin hot tonight I smiled and said thanks andy I tried he said you don't need make-up I said thanks he said of course. A little while later we got to the restaurant andy helped me out of the car and locked it he put his arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall we all walked inside and sat down at a table. Andy sat by me and lacey and Cc sat in front of me and I laughed and said you bitch. A little while later I saw my brother and gave him a hug he said oh wow sis you look great I said thanks bub I gave his wife a hug and she said wow sis you look amazing I smiled and said thanks I sat back down by andy. We all ordered our drinks and meals we all sat at the table and laughed and talked we took a couple group pictures which was fun. Me and Andy took a couple pictures as well. I noticed I kept checking my phone and my dad still never told me happy birthday or I love you I sighed and looked at the wall. Andy said hey wats wrong I said my dad hasn't said I love you or happy birthday andy rolled his eyes and said fuck him and kissed me I smiled and said I love you he said I love you more Mrs Biersack I blushed and looked away. An hour later we got our food and dug in a little while later my mom started filming me while everyone sung happy birthday I looked at andy and he laughed at me I was so fucking embarrassed. Me and Andy blew out my candle and everyone started clapping my face was bright red andy said awww and kissed my forehead. A little while later we payed and left I told my brother and his wife bye and we all left me and Andy ended up getting slushies and ended up chilling by the beach for a while. We ended up talking for a while I checked my phone it said 8 pm I said damn I checked my phone and my dad said hey honey sorry I've been busy happy birthday I love you so much. I said thanks love you too and sat my phone down and sighed I said really now what the fuck. Andy sighed and said well your dad is a shitty human being I said yea I know lmao thrust me and we both laughed at the same time. I ended up getting home at 10 pm I took off my heels used the restroom and went upstairs. I plugged my phone in and jammed out to music while changing and taking off my makeup I ended up falling asleep at around 12 am.

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