36 Thursday

31 1 0

Andys alarm went off at 2 am. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk nooo. I sighed andy grabbed his phone and turned off the alarm and put his phone down. Andy said alright babe let's get up I said no and he kissed my neck and said I know. Andy forced me to get up and I did andy got up and turned on his light I said fucking dammit andy started laughing and said oh my God babe. Andy walked out of his room and closed his door I layed back down and sighed and said fuckkk this is it. I got up and yawned and stretched I walked out of his room every one was downstairs with coffee I used the restroom after andy and he went back in his room and grabbed his phone and charger and headed downstairs. I sat on the couch and so did andy he put his charger in his bag and he sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulder and he kissed my head I bit my lip and felt it quiver I started crying and buried my head in his chest he kissed my head and started rubbing my hair. He wrapped both his arms around me and kept kissing my head he said I'm really going to miss you I said me too Andy and he smiled against my head and said I love you I said I love you more. I finally stopped crying and kept my head against andys jawline and he sighed and said I don't want to leave I said I know right he sighed again and kissed my head. A little while later andys phone started ringing he answered it and sighed and said ok bye and hung up and said fuckkkkkk it's time I couldn't breathe. We all got up and andy grabbed his phone we all quickly took a picture on my phone and walked outside and closed the door. The tour bus was outside we walked closer to the bus andy put his bag down and turned around and gave everyone a hug and said bye and love you. He got to me last and cupped my cheeks and kissed me passionately and I smiled when he pulled back he said I love you Lilly I said I love you more Andrew. He said we will talk and face time every fuckin day I said ok sounds good and he smiled and kissed me. I gave him a hug and he hoisted me up and I started laughing and kissed his cheek and he smiled as well he said fuck I love you I said yea me too. I pulled back and he put me down and ran his knuckle against my jaw and he said alright babe I gotta go I sighed and said ok bye and he grabbed his bag and turned around and started walking to the bus he opened the door and turned around and looked at me and yelled BYE MY SEXY KOALA BEAR SLASH WIFE. I laughed and yelled BYE MY FUTURE HUSBAND. Andy blew me a kiss and my face started heating up and he walked on the bus and closed the door and it started moving. And just like that andy took half of my heart with him when he left I started crying and Chris walked over to me and hoisted me up and carried me into the house. I kept my head against his neck and cried and started shaking. We got inside and we all sat on the couch and he kept kissing my head and trying to calm me down I ended up falling asleep at 3 am from crying Chris put me in andys bed and tucked me in and kissed my head and closed his door. A couple hours later Amy walked into andys room and turned on his light and said honey it's time to get up and I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and said ok and she walked out and closed his door. I opened my eyes completely and didn't see andy and I groaned fuckkkk I miss you already. I got up and went to the bathroom and I came back into andys room I grabbed his shirt and put it on it smells like him and I smiled I put my shirt in my bag and grabbed my bag and put my shoes on. Me and lacey both walked downstairs I felt empty without andy. Amy said you guys ready we said yea I guess we all walked outside and Amy locked the house and we all walked to her car. She unlocked it and we all hoped in she locked the doors and we all buckled up and she started driving I felt like I wanted to fucking cry and scream but I couldn't. The drive to school was long and torture me and lacey got out and told her mom bye. Me and lacey walked into school and everyone looked at us I wanted to snap at everyone but couldn't we walked into class and sat down. A little while later everyone got into class and the teacher said Lilly where is Andy and she smiled I looked at her and didn't say anything. She raised her voice and said I asked you a question I looked at lacey and she sighed and shook her head. The teacher said answer my question I stood up and yelled HE FUCKING LEFT ARE YOU HAPPY BITCH. She said PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW I yelled FINE. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out the door and slammed the door I couldn't breathe while walking to the principles office. I knocked on his door and he said come in I walked in he said oh honey and stood up and grabbed my bag and closed his door. I gave him a hug and cried against his shoulder he said andy left and I said yea and he kissed my shoulder and held me closer. A couple minutes later I sat down and he sat beside me and tried to comfort me he said you can stay in my office all day I said ok. The day went by really slowly and I cried a couple more times my mom came get me after school. Amy picked up lacey and brought her home. My mom kept trying to talk to me in the car but I wouldn't budge so she said ok and left me alone. We got home and I immediately went to my bedroom I plugged my phone in and changed and used the restroom. I went downstairs for food and immediately went back to my room. I ended up falling asleep early because I was extremely exhausted.

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