169: 6 months later

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Andy left for tour a couple of days ago Emma is officially 6 months I took her for a check up yesterday. She is all healthy and she also got shots and she cried and so did I. Emma and crow are officially best friends they sleep together all of the time. Emma started crying when andy left for tour so crow slept with us I me and Andys room. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I looked over my shoulder and saw Emma and crow sleeping peacefully I smiled and bit my lip. Emma is getting really big and it's sad she started crawling at 5 months and Andy was extremely excited about it. I kissed Emma's cheek and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and kept the door open. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I picked up Emma and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs crow followed me. I layed her down on the couch crow jumped next to her and layed down. I took care of the animals and made food and something to drink. I played on my phone and ate breakfast then did the dishes. After I went into the living room and picked up emma crow went to go eat since he knew she was ok. I face timed Andy and he answered and said hey sweet face I smiled and showed him Emma. Andy said aw is she still asleep I said yea and smiled he said my precious little Emma. She woke up and yawned and stretched Andy said good morning Emma and she smiled. Andy said how was her appointment I said good she also had to get shots Andy said aw my baby. Crow jumped on the couch and started rubbing all over Emma and she started giggling. Andy said aww and screen shotted it and I smiled. The guys came over and said hello Emma and I smiled and she started giggling. Cc said aww my wittle Emma bug and she smiled and giggled. Jinxx said her and Lennon need a play date I smiled and said yea that would be amazing. I kissed her head and she looked up at me and smiled and I felt my heart melt slightly. Crow meowed and I looked at him and said hi baby Emma giggled and said crow. Me and Andy started freaking out I said oh my God she just said her first word. Everyone started cheering and clapping and saying go Emma. She started giggling pat said whats going on Andy said Emma said her first word. Pat said what is it Andy said Emma say your first word. She giggled and said crow pat said aw good girl and we all smiled and clapped. Emma said momma I said hi baby and she smiled and giggled and kicked her feet. Andy smiled and said god I miss you guys so much I said me too. Crow was meowing and playing with Emma while I talked to Andy. He said I can't believe she is getting so big now I said ugh I know its crazy. Andy smiled and said my baby forever no matter what I smiled and said yea and kissed her head and smiled. I face timed Andy for a while then I hung up and cooked some food. After I ate I fed Emma and changed her then she fell asleep on the couch. A couple of hours later someone knocked at the door and I got up and answered it. Lacey walked in and closed the door and locked it I said Emma is sleeping she said ok. Emma woke up a little while later and yawned and stretched me and lacey ate dinner. A little while later we all headed upstairs and went into me and Andys room and cuddled. Crow was asleep at the edge of the bed and we all fell asleep a couple minutes later.

my best friends brother Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora